[0:00-0:24] Fade in. The camera is on the floor of the basement, facing the dollhouse. Caught passes back in forth in front of it. Loud noises can be heard off screen.
[0:25-0:43] The phone rings, indicating a text.
[0:44-0:54] Caught picks up the camera, and heads towards the door.
Caught: Christopher Robin.
[0:55-1:17] Caught opens the door and the screen goes white. Audio distortion can be heard, as can Caught's voice.
Caught: Did you ever do something…that you knew wouldn't help…but you did it anyway?
[1:18-1:23] Video fades in from white. Caught appears to be on a path in the forest. A little way down the path is a bird cage.
[1:23-1:26] Audio distortion briefly sounds and the woods darken briefly. Caught turns to see a white door in the woods behind him. It stands by itself, unattached to a wall.
[1:26-1:38] Caught moves towards the door and examines it.
[1:39-1:42] There is very light visual distortion as Caught touches the door.
[1:43-1:46] Caught turns and backs away from the door.
[1:46] There is audio distortion.
[1:47-1:49] Caught turns to see The Slender Man coming through the open door. He begins to run.
[1:50-1:53] Caught turns to see the Slender Man standing just behind him. Visual and audio distortion worsen, the video slows and darkens.
[1:54-1:58] Video lightens, and distortion ends. Caught looks behind him to see the Slender Man is gone.
[1:58-2:04] Audio distortion picks up as Caught turns to see Slender Man reaching for him. Caught falls back and the video goes dark.
[2:05-2:24] Video is dark as a series of audio distortions play, finishing with a heartbeat sound.
[2:25] Video resumes, audio and visual distortion are heavy, the heartbeat sound continues. Caught is on the ground as the Slender Man reaches for him. The video is black and white.
[2:26-2:32] Caught lifts the small jar of water from the coffin. Slender man's hand slowly drops.
[2:33-2:50] Caught stands and begins to move away from the Slender man, who watches him back away slowly, holding out the jar.
[2:50-2:51] Caught runs into the cage, startling himself. He looks down.
[2:52-3:02] Video returns to normal, Caught looks up to see the Slender Man is gone and the door is closed. The sounds of crows and playing children can be heard distantly.
[3:03-3:07] Caught looks down at the bird cage and back at the door.
[3:08-3:24] Caught reaches out and opens the bird cage, reaches in and takes the binoculars that are inside.
[3:25] The video goes white.
[3:26-3:31] The video fades back in to Caught releasing a rat into the cage. It's much brighter.
Caught: You get to stay in the cage. Because if you don't stay in the cage you'll run off into the woods and never come back again!
[3:31-3:38] Caught stands and looks down at the two white rats in the cage.
Caught: Because you love the woods. But there are many things in the woods that would love to eat you!
[3:38-3:43] Caught backs up and giggles, looking at a picnic blanket.
Caught: Here! How do you not know which of them is wh…take this…
[3:44-4:00] Caught hands the camera to an unseen person and steps in frame. He is wearing a bright orange coat and Transformers hat.
Caught: Right here. This one's Cy, this one's Nide. How can you not tell which is which? You've been watching…Well…Ok, maybe that one's Cy and maybe that one's Nide, but the point is at least I have kind-of an idea which one is which, alright?
[4:01-4:09] He kneels beside the cage.
Caught: Hello! Hello! How are you doing? Are you having a good day?
[4:09] The video fades to white and fades back in.
[4:10-4:15] Caught is still kneeling beside the cage, he looks up.
Caught: So when do the "Fantastic", "Awesome" birds come out?
[4:16] The camera looks up and around at the woods.
[4:17] The camera cuts to white.
[4:18-4:20] A red mitten points to the trees. The audio is missing.
[4:21-4:23] Audio resumes.
Caught: Give me the binoculars.
[4:24] Video cuts to white.
[4:25-4:44] Video resumes. Caught is looking through the binoculars.
Caught: There's nothing there. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Are you talking about the littl fat brown thing? I see like twenty of those outside my house every day. You brought me into the woods, deep into the woods, to see a little fat brown bird that's on my driveway every morning?
[4:45-4:52] Caught puts down the binoculars and returns to the rat cage, he laughs and snorts. The gloved hands takes the binoculars away.
Caught: I don't…I don't understand you.
[4:53] Video cuts to white.
[4:54-4:59] There is the sound of a plane overhead. Caught stands and points to it.
Caught: See, now that's an interesting bird.
[5:00] Caught takes the camera and it cuts to white.
[5:01-5:11] Cut to the same shot of the trees, but darker. We are back in current time. Caught looks at the birdcage and the binoculars.
[5:12-5:23] Caught turns to the door, looks at the woods and back again.
[5:24-5:27] Caught drops the camera to his side.
Caught: …huh.
[5:28-5:31] Screen cuts to black, and the video ends.