1472 Lansing Place: Four.

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1472 Lansing Place: Four. was uploaded by CaughtNotSleeping on January 19th, 2012. It is 3:12 minutes long.

Caught enters the next room, and finds himself in the basement where he finds a note from Help3r and a curious change in the dollhouse.

Additional Information

Slender Man Sightings

  • There is audio distortion at 0:03, and several times in the news report.
  • There is fairly continuous visual distortion.

The Radio Report

The Radio playing in the background is the first indication of the "Showtime Killer", a player in the A.R.G.. The Showtime Killer has since targeted individuals, killing look-alikes of several Butterflies and often entering the CNS Tinychat and other private chat-spaces to taunt the players. The identity of the Showtime Killer is not yet known.


Confirmed Theories

Working Theories and Observations

This is the fourth room to contain bird icons.

Further Speculation

So that liquid which is beginning to look more and more like honey and water to me seems to be really important. ~ ChewieV2 on Slendernation

I presume the news report about the Serial Killer is actually referring to past Slender Victims. ~ ChewieV2 on Slendernation

so…. it appears he has some form of defense. Slendy repellent, perhaps? ~ Schniedragon88 on YouTube

The Canoe may be a reference to running water being a defense against the paranormal ~ ChewieV2