[0:00-0:43] The camera is set on a table outside, facing the jar of brown liquid retrieved from the coffin, and the fairy orb retrieved at Willows Peak. Natalie and Caught are arguing in the background. Caught briefly passes through the frame.
Caught: -don't see how a tape you found…on a dead body, in the middle of the woods, that has pictures of all these people on it, might not be a bit…wrong?
Natalie: I dunno, I-
Caught: Why would you wanna listen to those people?
Natalie: well…!
Caught: How are those the people you're choosing to trust?
Natalie: Are you saying…? w-w-what would you prefer for me to do? Do you w-…like, you come to my house, you drag me out, you say 'look you need to get over this and you need to pull yourself together and we need to go out and figure out what's going on.' And then you're going to s-tell me…you're going to sit there and tell me that we are going to do nothing? What would you prefer that we do?
Caught: Wait!
Natalie: You want us to just…skip through the forest and go looking for him? What do you want??? We have one lead!
[0:43] There is a moment of visual distortion or darkening, as the water inside the fairy orb bubbles.
[0:43-1:28] Video returns to normal.
Natalie: One lead! That's all we have!
Caught: You saw what happen there, Natalie. What exactly…How did you think I would react to this? The-the butterflies said "go to the alley!" and I'm supposed to "lets go!!!" I can't even understand how you're even considering this. You saw what happened there. So you want me to go back and-and, what? Give him a hug?
Natalie: I don't know! I…I don't know. Maybe, maybe it's the worst suggestion of all time, I don't know. But it's the only suggestion. Where else are we gonna go? Like, what do you want us to do? We don't have any other options! We can't just…stand around and wait for this thing to kill us, because it's going to kill us. You have brought me into this and now…
[1:28-1:37] There is a distant scream. Caught picks up the camera and moves towards the woods.
[1:38-1:41] There is another scream, Caught turns the camera to Natalie who has picked up a baseball bat and a second camera.
Caught: You hear that right?
Natalie: I hear that…
[1:42-1:57] Caught turns back to the woods.
Caught: What the hell…
[1:58-2:00] There is a child's shout distantly. Caught scans the wood line.
Child: Let me go back there! (?)
[2:01-2:02] Caught turns back to Natalie.
Caught: What the hell-
[2:02-2:09] There is another scream. Caught runs towards the table.
Caught: Natalie, call somebody. Call the police! Call somebody!
Natalie: You're not going to-?
Caught: Call somebody!!!
[2:10-2:29] Caught runs into the woods.
Natalie: Hey!
[2:30-2:41] Caught pauses as he hears another scream, before continuing on.
[2:42-2:51] There is heavy audio distortion and then visual distortion as Caught looks up to see the Slender man standing in the trees.
[2:52-3:04] Distortion diminishes as Caught raises the small jar. He slowly moves away.
Caught: You can't…you can't so long as I keep the camera on you, can you?
[3:05-3:06] There is a scream, and Caught turns the camera.
[3:07-3:08] There there is a dramatic rise in audio distortion.
[3:09-3:14] Caught falls, and rolls, coming to a hard landing.
[3:14] There is a quick flash of distortion and images.
[3:15-3:19] The camera sits a few feet from Caught, who has landed on the forest floor. He begins to cough.
Caught: What do you want-?
[3:19-3:20] There is heavy distortion as Caught is violently picked up and thrown against the ground.
[3:21-3:26] Caught groans and coughs, whimpering.
Caught: What-what do you want?
[3:27-3:32] He is again violently thrown to the ground. There is a flash of images and suddenly he has warped to the woods in front of the white door. He coughs, bleeding from the mouth.
Caught: What?!?
[3:33] Caught is slammed to the ground.
[3:34-3:37] Caught coughs and sits up.
Caught: Is that all???
[3:38-3:44] Distortion, and again Caught is hit, twice. There is another flash of images and suddenly he is back in the alley, laughing.
[3:45-3:47] Caught coughs, laughs and spits blood.
[3:47-3:48] Caught is again slammed, there is a flash of images and he is back where he started.
[3:49-4:09] Caught spits up blood, gasps, and spits up more blood. He raises his hand and laughs.
Caught: You still can't take me…
[4:10-4:16] There is a dramatic rise in distortion, Caught is slammed twice more. He coughs and then lies still.
[4:16-4:19] Audio distortion plays and suddenly Caught is dragged off screen.
[4:20-4:36] There is a long silence, and video ends.