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Previous: None - Next: Vlog_01


71262419 was uploaded by RoivasSevil on March 16th, 2011. It is 1:10 minutes long.

The video title reads "Touch", and the video reads "Home, Stay, Alone, Touch." It depicts intermixed video clips of a grainy field, a brain MRI, and backwards footage of an old "He-man" PSA about child molestation.

Additional Information

The He-man PSA

The He-man cartoon used throughout "71262419" is an old public service announcement circa-1980, that was intended to bring awareness to child molestation and encouraged children to talk to adults if someone touched them in an "bad way".

Further RoivasSevil Interaction

During this time RoivasSevil was most recognized for sending several messages out to other Slender-man series. This was initially condemned as a game-jack. Messages released included "Hello New Old Friend", "Look Closer" and "We Never Talk Anymore".


Confirmed Theories

RoivasSevil is indeed a Proxy channel, related to the CaughtNotSleeping video series, as we all well know.

Working Theories and Observations

It would seem that this video is both instructional, "Home, Stay Alone", most likely directed at both Caught and Viewers; as well as introductory. It's extremely simple and more than likely simply serves as a springboard introduction to the character of RoivasSevil.

The backwards audio may relate to the code itself, which is solved with a reversed simple alphanumeric substitution, or RoivasSevil's use of reversed text and audio may be a specific character trait that has yet to be developed.

The video description contains 125 repetitions of the number "71262419", which reads "Touch", and is also the title of the video. It's unclear how or if this is significant.

Further Speculation