[0:00-0:10] We are in a dark room. There is a clock ticking in the background.
[0:11-0:29] A phone turns on in the foreground, playing an alarm. A hand fumbles around and picks it up.
[0:30-0:35] The phone is thrown.
Natalie: Shut up.
[0:36-0:47] Cut to Natalie walking down a hall and turning into a kitchen.
[0:48-0:56] Natalie is sitting on a couch reading. Her dog looks at something off screen as distortion plays.
Natalie: Cassie! Cassie.
[0:56-1:18] Natalie takes the camera and stands, there is a slight cut as the distortion vanishes.
Natalie: What you looking at? Huh? Hm…What was there? What?
[1:18-1:19] Natalie moves towards the direction the dog was looking when the video skips repeatedly.
[1:19-1:46] Cut to Natalie sitting at a table as she pours cereal.
[1:47-1:59] Cut to Caught walking through the door. He walks into the kitchen.
Caught: Nice.
Natalie: Hmm…
Caught: You live here alone or…?
Natalie: Um…
[2:00-2:17] Natalie moves around through the living room and into the kitchen. Caught has moved to the living room.
Natalie: What are you doing here? Like really, what are you doing here?
Caught: Well…I need to go this address that…What's with the camera dude?
Natalie: Don't worry about it, just…
Caught: Y-you had it out there, wha-what'ya…
Natalie: Just don't worry…
Caught: I'm on camera enough.
[2:17-3:14] Cut to Natalie and Caught walking down the street. Natalie has the camera. A cat can be heard meowing in the background.
Natalie: What is your real name anyway? You know so I can…file a proper report? …not gonna tell me? Alright. Great. Uum, so this whole Slender man thing…is it stilts? Is it…I mean…do you…use, nylon on the head? Is it a mask? Can we stop pretending it's real for like, ten seconds? Please?
Caught: No, you know, you're right, yeah, you know. Um. It is! Uh, he wears drafting stilts! And they guy who plays him? His name's Mike! And…yeah, it's, uh, it's not latex, it's uh, um, I mean it's not pantyhose, it's a latex polymer for the face. And we have, hey! Hi!
[3:14-3:25] Caught kneels down and begins to stoke a grey and white cat.
Caught: And we have about like, four stage hands here and there, different ones every week, and, you know it's good times! It's fun!
[3:25-3:30] Natalie watches as the cat runs past her.
Caught: Look. Hey!
Natalie: Hm?
[3:30-3:34] Natalie turns back to Caught.
Caught: I know that you think that, this isn't real. And that's fine.
[3:35-3:40] Caught places his hand over the lens and directs the camera down.
Caught: If I was you I wouldn't think it was real either, but it is, so stop asking me asinine questions.
[3:41-4:00] Natalie and Caught continue walking. They approach a building.
Caught: You don't have to believe me, just don't insult me.
Natalie: Huh…
Caught: Alright.
[4:01-4:18] Caught approaches the building but the door is locked. The cat can be heard meowing in the background.
Caught: Well that's great.
Natalie: A locked door. Clever.
[4:19-4:20] Caught, off screen, pulls the key out from behind a shrub or plant.
Caught: Aha.
[4:21-4:40] Cut, almost the same shot. Caught opens the door and they continue upstairs.
Caught: Hiding your key in the bushes, it's a sure way to keep burglars.
Natalie: Alright.
[4:41-4:51] Cut, Natalie and Caught walk down a hall. The audio is missing.
[4:51-4:53] The video loops.
[4:54-5:33] Audio and video resumes, Caught opens the door and enters. They seem to be back at Natalie's Apartment. There is a red/orange tint to the video and distortion sounds.
Natalie: Uh…
Caught: Haha!
The dog begins to bark.
Caught: Yeah…
Natalie: Uh…
Caught: That's interesting…
Natalie: That's not possible! Um…I…
Caught: Um…uh, Natalie? You wanna come here?
Natalie: Um…?
Caught: You wanna tell me why 925 Cranbrook Drive looks exactly like your house?
[5:34-5:40] Caught begins to approach Natalie, backing her against the door.
Natalie: I don't…
Caught: You wanna tell me what that's about?
Natalie How did…!
Caught: You wanna tell me how you did this? Why you're doing this?
Natalie: I don't…? I…
[5:40-6:25] There is a heavy slam noise, and the audio distortion gets heavier. The lights seem to have gone out.
Natalie: …You're doing this! I asked you to go (?) I told you didn't want to come! I told you I didn't want to come! I told you I didn't, turn the lights on!//
Caught: I…I didn't do this. I didn't…I didn't do…
Natalie: Do not!
Caught: I won't.
Natalie: Open the door.
Caught: I can't…do that.
Natalie: open the door. Open the door. Open the door! Open…the door! Open the…
Caught: Natalie! If you don't calm down, I'm not going to be able how to get us out, so shut up!
Natalie: This isn't supposed to be happening…
Caught: Shut…!
Natalie: Um…
[6:26-6:29] There is a slight clicking as three fuzzy television screens fade on simultaneously.
[6:30-6:35] Audio distortion vanishes.
Caught: Alright…
Natalie: Where's…?
[6:35-6:36] There is a moment of missing audio.
[6:37-6:43] Natalie looks around. There are three television screens and the room is littered with video tapes, books and clothing.
Caught: Here.
Natalie: Frickin…
[6:44-6:56] Video cuts slightly. Audio is missing. Natalie continues to look around.
[6:57] Video cuts.
[6:58-6:59] Video cuts again, there is visible distortion.
[7:00-7:15] Cut to Natalie and Caught looking at a mirror. On it words are written.
Caught: "I can't hear you, you can't get me. I can't hear you, you can't get me. I can't hear you, you can't get me." Hm…
Natalie: Ok…
Caught: What the hell does that mean? What…?
Natalie: Can't hear…
[7:16] Moment of missing audio.
[7:17-7:30] Audio continues. Natalie looks away.
Caught: Alright, well, I'm gonna look around a see if we can find…what we're here for, so we can get out of here…
Natalie: Hm…
[7:31-7:37] Natalie zooms in on a glass with a lipstick stain on it.
Caught: Children's books over here…That's helpful…
[7:37-7:42] Audio goes in and out. Natalie looks at a bra lying on top of one of the screens.
[7:43-8:01] Natalie looks up at the mirror, and then over to a desk. On the desk is a chain lying in blood. She sets down the phone/light and reaches out to touch it.
Natalie: hm…
Caught: Floppy disks. Does anyone use floppy disks anymore? Helper gives me cassette tapes and Roivas gives me fl…
[8:01-8:12] Audio and visual distortion begins. Natalie moves away from the blood.
Natalie: Caught, that's real. That's real! That's real! Ah! Ah! I touched it! Oh, I touched it! Oh my God! Oh. How did you do that?
[8:13-8:26] Caught walks into frame, toward the blood which he examines.
Natalie: Caught, how did you do that??? How is that real? How is that real? Who's is that? Oh my God…oh…
[8:27-8:35] Audio and visual distortion ceases. Caught continues to observe the blood.
Natalie: Caught. Caught? …Caught. Caught, get away from…I don't, I don't, I don't like…Caught let me out! Caught? Caught?
[8:35-8:46] Audio is missing.
[8:47-8:57] Audio resumes but audio and video blink in and out.
Natalie: -n the door this isn't funny!!! Caught! Caught…Eh. Uhm…Not funny, it's not funny, it's not funny.
[8:58-9:09] Three computer screens turn on behind Caught, On them, three representations of himself. Caught jumps away.
Natalie: Uh! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught! Caught. Caught. Caught. Ok…Uhm…Uhm, Oh…
[9:10-9:13] Audio is missing.
[9:13-9:25] Audio resumes, Caught seems to take the camera. He moves towards the three videos. From left to right they are marrionettes of himself, Happy, Malecious, and Scared.
Natalie: It's a game! It's a game! It's a game. Let me out! Caught. Caught! Caught! Caught…Let me out! Let me out! Unlock the door. Unlock the door! Unlock the door!!!
[9:26-9:33] A slow ringing begins to fade in and the audio slowly fades out as Caught pans across the videos playing.
Natalie: Caught? Please. Please? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please…
[9:33-9:53] The audio is now completely gone aside from the ringing and distortion.
[9:54-10:13] Audio returns. Caught drops the camera to his side.
Caught: Natalie, listen to me…
Natalie: Open the door…
Caught: Listen to me.
Natalie: Open the door.
Caught: Listen.
Natalie: Open the door.
Caught: I did not do this. I did not set this up.
Natalie: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Caught: Natalie
Natalie: It's a game! It's a game, it's a game, it's a game…
Caught: Natalie…Calm down.
Natalie: Open the door.
Caught: Calm down…
[10:13-10:19] Caught moves towards Natalie.
Natalie: Open the…No, no, no, no, no, no! No! No!
Caught: Ok! Alright. Calm down…
Natalie: Open…The Door…
[10:20-10:28] Distortion begins. Audio is missing.
[10:28-10:37] Audio returns.
Natalie: Please…
Caught: Natalie, stop.
Natalie: Sorry…sorry…sorry…please?
[10:38-10:48] Audio from the marionette videos begins. Caught jumps backwards and films the marionettes.
Malicious: Hello there. Welcome to the game.
Natalie: Ah! Ah! Don't talk. Don't talk. Don't talk, don't talk. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game! It's a game, it's a game it's a game…Caught…?
Caught: Here, take…
[10:49-11:24] Caught hands the camera to Natalie. Natalie moves towards the screens and moves from screen to screen as the puppets speak.
Natalie: Caught…Caught…No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…no, no. Caught, no, no, no…
Malicious: One day. One day maybe you'll be ok, but not today…
Scared: Guys…come on…Come on! Come on…find it and get out…
Happy: Hey! Everything's happy! Everything's good and joy and happiness and sunshine's and rainbows and lollipops! Yay!
Malicious: No…you're nowhere near where you need to be…
Scared: Run for it…What are you doing? You're taking to long, you're taking too long. Come on…
Natalie: Oh, ok….
Happy: Over there! Go over there!
[11:25-11:30] Natalie turns to Caught who is on the ground frantically search for something.
Happy: Go over there! Go over there! Go over there! Not over there! Over there!
Natalie: It's a game, it's a game, it's a game…We're happy, we're happy…
[11:30-11:46] Natalie turns back to the screens.
Scared: Hurry, you gotta get outta here…Go on. I can feel it.
Happy: Hey! Don't you believe me? Go over there! Over there! Over there! Not over there! Over there! Yeah! Right there! Right there. Right there. I lied it's not there! Haha! Ahahah!
Caught: Come on!
[11:47-11:52] Natalie turns to Caught, who is still searching.
Natalie: Caught…Caught it's…It's game. It's a game.
[11:53-12:14] Natalie turns back to the puppets.
Happy: I love you! We're still friends! We're still friends. Friends forever, we're still friends. We're friends. We're happy friends. We're happy friends. I like you. You like…
Scared: …feel him, he's everywhere….inside…
Malicious: No, there you go…Now you're getting closer. No…feel free to be wrong all you want…
Natalie: Oh!
[12:15-12:20] Visual distortion begins. Audio cuts out.
[12:20-12:24] Audio returns and distortion clears. Natalie has backed away from the screens. Caught holds up a notebook.
Caught: Whats…What's this?
Natalie: It's a guy…It's a guy…it's a guy I don't know.
[12:25-12:27] Audio and visual distortion begin.
Natalie: It's a guy. It's a guy I don't know. It's a guy I don't know.
[12:27-12:38] Audio and visual distortion cease, with the exception of a slight audio crackle. Caught looks at the journal and then holds it up to the camera, revealing a Slender man scratched into the cover.
Natalie: We're happy. We're happy…happy…Oh! Ok…that's…That's very similar to something…
[12:39-12:41] There is an audible click. Caught and Natalie move towards the door.
Caught: It's the door! It's the door! Move!
Natalie: What?
[12:41-12:46] Audio is missing. The screen darkens.
[12:47-12:48] Audio returns.
Malicious: Hey Natalie…
[12:49-13:04] Video returns, Natalie turns to look at the three screens, all three of which now have the Malecious puppet on them. Malecious reaches up and pulls skin off his face.
Malicious: Heh…It's great to see you again…
Natalie: No. Nope! Nope! No! No! No!
[13:05-13:07] Natalie turns to see that she is now alone in the room. Distortion slowly begins to overtake the audio.
Natalie: Caught? Caught! Caught! Caught!
[13:07-13:14] Audio is gone beyond the distortion.
[13:14-13:17] Caught opens the door.
Natalie: -aught! Caught!
Caught: Natalie! What are you doing? Come on!
Natalie: Caught!
[13:17-13:20] Natalie and Caught run out of the room and down a hall.
[13:21-13:24] Audio goes silent.
[13:24-13:30] The screen goes to black. Video ends.