__ Visit - August 25, 2013

On August 25, 2012 An unknown player came in chat and communicated via a looping audio feed of several players singing "You Are My Sunshine" before leaving the chat.

The visiter entered the chat using only the "__" username, played a version of the "You Are My Sunshine" that was played at the beginning of A hole in the ground., and eventually left without ever speaking. It is unclear which player was behind these actions, but it has been assumed to have been either Natalie or RoivasSevil.

August 25, 2012

__ enters the chat
Chat: Hello. It's been a while since underscore has been here…
__ gets on camera, the image is black, audio is various chat members singing "You Are My Sunshine"
Evarae: Why don't people go up on cam and sing back. Butterflies maybe?
Urbanus gets on cam
Urbanus: Hello Natalie?
Various players begin to sing
__ leaves the chat

Special thanks to viciouscupcake for compiling this chat log