[0:00-0:19] The camera is set higher than ground level, looking out at a graveyard. To the left of the screen below an outcropping of trees is a body-bag. There are birds singing but no movement.
[0:20-0:39] The body bag starts to stir, lightly at first, but then struggling.
[0:40-0:43] Caught unzips the body bag, and jumps to his feet.
[0:44-0:53] Caught trips over the bag around his feet, and kicks it away from him, jumping back up to his feet and looking around.
[0:54-1:18] Caught looks at the camera, feeling his head, he walks towards it.
[1:19-1:45] Caught grabs the camera and turns it around revealing the blonde doll from "Rule #3" sitting on a stool where the camera was. Below her is the violin case. Caught looks around the graveyard.
Caught: What is going on? Ah…my head hurts…wha…?
[1:46-1:56] Very distantly a mechanical oinking can be heard. Caught turns and zooms in, in the distance a small object can be seen.
Caught: What the hell is that?
[1:57-2:19] Caught turns back to the doll before turning left and continuing down to the object in the distance.
Caught: Of all the freaking…stupid…
[2:20-2:30] Caught stops, zooms in the slightly and looks around the graveyard.
[2:31-2:42] Caught turns back to the object, revealing it's a small mechanical pig. He approaches it.
[2:43-2:53] Over the pig, the camera sees a note pinned to it. Caught removes the message.
[2:54-2:58] Caught kicks the pig away, though it can still be heard oinking. He takes the message and moves away.
Caught: Stupid.
[2:59-3:06] Caught opens the note, revealing a set of directions.
Caught: Oh great…directions. I'm not doing this sh…
[3:07] There is a brief moment of missing audio.
[3:07-3:11] Caught moves away, dropping the camera to his side.
Caught: I'm not doing it.
[3:12-3:18] Caught stops and looks at the instructions again. Looking around he sighs and turns back.
Caught: Aw…dammit.
[3:19-3:30] Cut, Caught is walking through underbrush, and steps out onto a road. He looks both ways.
Caught: What does it say here…? Friggin' ridiculous…
[3:31-3:48] Caught turns right and begins walking down the gravel road. He groans and mutters.
Caught: "Turn right"…*cough*…*indecipherable muttering*…what the?…It's ridi-
[3:49] There is a brief moment of lost audio.
[4:49-4:14] audio continues. Caught is looking around nervously and grumbling. He kicks the ground.
Caught: Stupid! I didn't…do anything to deserve this. I didn't do anything to anybody. Dumb-ass Slender man. Hits me with a brick and cuts my…cuts my hair!
[4:15-4:26] Caught reaches a path to the side of the road and stops. The path leads into the woods.
Caught: Then there's a left! Of course I turn left here. Well, that figures. Turn left into the creepy woods.
[4:27] There is a moment of lost audio.
[4:28-4:39] Caught looks around for a moment, growls and then enters the woods, following the path.
Caught: What's the point of cutting my hair? What's this…whats…
[4:40] Audio blinks out for a moment.
[4:41-5:08] Audio resumes.
Caught: Why? Oh. What the hell? I don't understand the…meddling (?). Why the hell would you…Someone tell me? Somebody tell me? Huh? Give me an idea? Maybe an idea? What do you want???
[5:09] Audio is lost for a second.
[5:10-5:16] Caught continues. He is clearly angry, and stomping.
Caught: I don't know what to do anymore…I don't know where to go.
[5:16-5:17] Audio is lost.
[5:17-5:18] Audio resumes.
[5:19] Audio is lost.
[5:20-5:26] Audio resumes.
Caught: Gettin'…insane people coming to my house…
[5:26] Audio is lost.
[5:27-5:36] Audio resumes. Caught is increasingly agitated. He spins, having stopped, yelling in all directions.
Caught: I'm right here. I'm right here. What? You can't attack me in the open? You have to come at me from behind a car? I'm right here!!!
[5:37-6:02] Caught resumes walking, picking up speed.
Caught: What??? I've had enough. I'm sick of this ridiculous…Freakin…
[6:03-6:05] Caught trips, falls.
Caught: No one(?)-
[6:05-6:06] Audio drops out.
[6:07-6:18] Audio resumes, Caught sees a note attached to a tripod across a clearing. He approaches it.
Caught: What is this?
[6:19-6:24] Caught stops, reading the note.
Caught: "Make them See the Error of Your Ways". What the hell is that suppose to-
[6:25-6:45] Caught turns, and sees a shovel dug into the center of a large mud pit.
Caught: Yeah, that figures. What do you want? You hit me over the head with a brick you want me to dig me grave so you can come and do it again? Is that it? You want me to dig my own grave?
[6:46-6:50] Caught rips the note off of the tripod, knock it over.
Caught: I say "Fuck you" friend.
[6:51-6:55] Caught spots five jars, arranged under the now fallen tripod. He approaches them.
Caught: The hells this?
[6:55-6:59] Caught brings the first jar to the camera. The water is half full and dingy. He tosses it away.
[7:00-7:07] He picks up the second jar. The water is full to the top and has dark swirls in it.
Caught: The hell?
[7:08-7:09] Caught picks up the next jar and immediately throws it. It's empty.
[7:10-7:18] The forth jar, it's half full and contains hair. He tosses it away after looking at it.
Caught: Oh that's…that…hair isn't it? That's funny. That's real funny.
[7:19-7:28] Caught rises and mutters, looking around.
Caught: I've got that same feeling again…You don't want to mess around with that feeling again. It's too…
[7:29-7:32] Audio is lost.
[7:33-7:40] Audio returns. Caught is pacing.
Caught: If Roivas would just come…mmn! Roivas didn't give me any answers…I don't know…
[7:40-7:50] Something startles Caught, he whips around, and then starts moving towards the tripod, which he uprights.
Caught: Son of a…Alright! Alright! Alright. Ok. Alright. Alright. I'll put the g-
[7:51] Audio is lost.
[7:52-7:53] Audio returns.
[7:54-7:58] Audio is lost.
[7:59-9:07] Audio returns. Caught begins to screw the camera onto the tripod.
Caught: Fine. Show them the…error of my ways, whatever that means. I can't work a tripod…I don't know what this means, but fine. I don't know why you're doing this to me, I don't know what you want. Maybe if I do this, he;ll please, leave me alone. That'd be nice. I'd really appreciate that. Alright, I'll dig the freaking hole…Son of a bitch.
[9:08-9:16] Caught moves away from the camera, audibly. He is not seen.
[9:17-9:24] Caught audibly walks towards the camera.
Caught: Alright…alright…
[9:25-9:26] The screen goes black.
[9:27-9:41] Visuals return. Caught steps onscreen, pants rolled up.
Caught: I hope you're happy.
[9:42-10:06] Caught pulls the shovel out of the ground. and begins to dig. He steps into the mud and sinks.
Caught: That's great. Oh…my, that's wonderful. That's…
[10:06-11:31] Cut the same angle. Caught steps into the mud and sinks to his knee. He continues digging.
[11:32-11:34] Caught turns the camera and yells.
Caught: There's nothing here!
[11:34-11:45] He returns to digging, wading into the mud.
[11:46-11:47] The visuals blink.
[11:48-11:52] visuals return.
Caught: You'll be happy to know it smells pretty damn bad.
[11:53] Video goes dark for a moment.
[11:54-11:55] Video returns
[11:55] Video blinks.
[11:56-12:01] Video returns.
[12:01] Video blinks.
[12:02-12:03] Video returns
[12:04] Video blinks.
[12:04-12:07] Video returns
[12:08] Video blinks
[12:08-12:09] Video returns
[12:10-12:12] Video blinks in and out
[12:13-12:18] Video returns but it is harshly distorted. Slender man can be spotted far in the background among the trees.
[12:18] Video blinks
[12:19-12:26] Normal video returns. The distortion and Slender man are gone.
[12:27-12:33] Distortion returns, Slender man can be seen near the same spot but slightly closer.
[12:34-12:37] Distortion and Slendy change. The scene is darker.
[12:38-12:43] Normal video resumes. Slender man is gone. But the image blinks in and out.
[12:44-12:44] Earsplit distortion begins. The video is washed out, and Slender man stands much closer.
[12:45-13:03] The distortion changes the scene is blurry and grainy. Caught clearly strikes something with his shovel at the bottom of the hole. As he digs at it, the distortion fades slightly.
[13:04-13:07] Caught steps out of the hole, the distortion continues.
[13:07-13:14] The screen goes dark. The audio distortion grows louder.
[13:15-13:32] Video returns. The scene is over-saturated and covered in heavy distortion. Caught unscrews the camera from the tripod. He carries it over to the hole.
[13:33-13:39] Caught's hand can be seen wiping mud away from something. He picks up a jar.
[13:40-13:43] Caught wipes the mud away and the distortion ceases. The jar has clear water in it. He shakes it.
Caught: Another jar…that's wonderful.
[13:44-14:12] Caught throws the jar away and begins wiping mud away from something covered in a trash bag. He knocks on it, and it sounds hollow.
[14:13-14:59] Caught zooms out and reveals that the trash bag is shaped like a coffin. He looks around and back at the coffin.
Caught: What the hell…oook. Alright. Well…Urgh…
[15:00-15:30] Caught sets the camera on the ground. He can be seen in the distance pulling the coffin out of the ground.
Caught: Son of a bitch that's heavy!
[15:31-16:09] Caught picks up the camera and brings it over to the object. He begins to tear away the trash bag. It reveals wood underneath.
Caught: Oh God…Don't…Don't be what you look like…
[16:10-16:15] Caught sets the camera on the exposed wood and continues tearing away the bag.
[16:16-16:28] Caught picks up the camera and pushes away the trash bag. Audio is lost. He looks around.
[16:29-16:33] He looks down at the coffin. It is a coffin, with twelve painted holes in the lid. Audio returns.
[16:34-16:49] Caught pulls a note out of one of the Coffin holes. He opens it.
Caught: What the hell?
[16:50-17:14] One side of the note appears to contain a child's treasure map, or drawing. He flips it over to find a riddle.
Caught: "He who wanders through the darkness and fire, resist the purity and freedom of water. Once upon a time…" Oh it's story time now, huh? Story time for Slender-
[17:14] There is a brief audio tear.
[7:15-18:36] Audio resumes. Caught is reading.
Caught: -man! "Once upon a time, there were six birds who grew to an age to leave the nest. There hearts were in conflict, their f- their fates per-determined, they found their homes in the order that was best. One found itself with a broken wing and forever stayed in what would be their grave. um, A clean hearted bird lived a, that lived amongst the clouds, never to fall, never to come, never to come down. Another was blinded and lost within swirling…shrouds…having trusted another who let them down. With a greedy…head to follow that who took to the…air, one bird nearly tai…nearly completely tainted falling into flame, despair. Yet another found…yet another…found dread in the half-he…halfheartedness of life…found itself among…swamps of…night. The last of the birds found themselves alone in the city never to come home." …did you take lessons from Roivas or something? Dickhead. Screw this.
[18:37-18:41] Caught sweeps away the riddle and sets the camera on the ground.
Caught: You wanna watch me, huh? You can watch me…
[18:42-18:52] There is a visual tear or cut. Same shot. Caught walks out and grabs the coffin.
Caught: Play stupid games with me? Fine I'll play your stupid games.
[18:53-18:54] There is an electric buzz and Caught is thrown backwards with a yelp.
[18:55-19:00] There is silence.
[19:00-19:30] Caught begins to gulp and cough off screen.
Caught: ooow. Son of a…
[19:31-19:38] Caught steps into frame slightly.
Caught: Fuck you!!! Alright???
[19:39-] Caught picks up the camera. Walks over to the coffin and begins to drag it.
Caught: I'm not gonna stop because of you…It takes a lot more than that to stop me you fucking…
Video ends