[0:00] Screen is dark. A voice can be heard singing "You are my sunshine", before being progressively joined by many others.
[0:01-0:05] Fade into footage trees against a sunny sky. The singing continues.
[0:05-0:07] Cut to grainy footage of the broken door from 1813712 71922 22326916. The singing continues.
[0:08-0:10] Return to the slow panning shot of the tree tops.
[0:11-0:13] Cut to a grainy shot of "the tools' left by RoivasSevil in 1813712 71922 22326916. The singing continues.
[0:13-0:17] Cut back to the trees against the sun.
[0:18-0:21] Cut to footage of the Puppet beating Natalie in 1813712 71922 22326916. The singing continues
[0:22-0:25] Cut back to the trees.
[0:25-0:33] There is a quick blast of distortion and then the flicker of a light turning on and off. there is what appears to be a cave floor in the foreground of an otherwise dark room. A small glowing sphere floats in the distance
[0:34-0:41] Natalie rises and looks around as a distorted voice calls out
RoivasSevil: Natalie…
Natalie: Roivas?
[0:42-0:48] Natalie turns to see several tentacle-like objects moving around what appears to be the door from 1472 Lansing Place: Five. beneath them.
Natalie: Is that…?
RoivasSevil: Follow my voice Natalie.
[0:49-1:04] Natalie continues through what appears to be a damp cave-like structure. As she turns a corner there are several lights and a small object in the distance.
[1:05-1:06] Natalie seems to be yanked quickly towards the object, which appears to be a window.
[1:07-1:09] Fade into Natalie standing in front of a window. She leans forward and looked inside where there appears to be a door.
[1:10] There is a flash of distortion and the Slender Man is briefly visible
[1:11-1:21] Natalie steps back and turns to see Caught hurry past her and around a fence corner.
Caught: 'scuse me. Uhm…
RoivasSevil: Do not pay attention to the lights.
[1:22-1:51] There is brief distortion and then RoivasSevil appears before Natalie. She stands on a long rock pathway, and many lights can be seen floating in the Darkness. RoivasSevil gestures for Natalie to follow and then begins to walk.
RoivasSevil: Come with me.
Natalie: What was that? What's going on? What are all of these? Am I safe here?
RoivasSevil: They are memories. I think this is where he keeps everything he takes.
Natalie: What? What is all of this? Am I safe? You know, your tools did nothing.
RoivasSevil: The watch is important, but the rest? Well, I though it was pretty.
Natalie: Pretty?
[1:52-2:00] A floating light crosses in front of Natalie, who follows it with the camera. In the distance a crying figure can be seen.
[2:01-2:05] Natalie turns to see RoivasSevil in front of her.
RoivasSevil: I told you, ignore the lights! Not every memory is for you to see!
[2:06-2:10] RoivasSevil turns and continues on.
Natalie: I'm so-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, ok?
[2:12-2:15] Audio distortion begins. RoivasSevil looks around as the lights begin to descend.
RoivasSevil: I'm sorry! I thought I could get you out(?) before they found us!
[2:17] The screen goes white
[2:18-2:24] There is heavy visual distortion as black and white images of Scott, a chessboard and Scott with Caught, flicker past.
RoivasSevil: It's like a dream! You just have to let it happen! Get the watch around his neck!
[2:25-2:27] the screen goes white and then fades into several more images of the runners.
[2:28-2:30] Cut to Melony carrying a paper bag and walking into an apartment. The camera follows.
Melony: Ugh. The Camera again?
[2:30-2:38] There's a flicker of distortion, Melony continues past Scott and Caught who are playing chess.
Scott: Yeah, oh what?
Caught: -except something like-
Scott: That would be, uh, check-mate right there. Not to interrupt your story.
[2:39-2:50] Caught throws a dollar bill on the table and takes a drink before getting up and moving to the kitchen. He and Melony begin to unpack groceries.
Caught: You (undecipherable) Scott
Scott: Haha, yeah, yeah.
Melony: Hey, check it out guys, we need to get out of here soon 'cause my uncle's coming home? I found this place, cheap apartment at…
[2:51-2:55] Audio distortion begins.
Melony: uh, nine twenty-five Cranbrook Drive?
[2:55-2:57] Visual distortion begins. The camera turns to Scott who glowers and then is covered by a bloody burlap bag.
Scott: You don't belong here!
[2:57-3:00] Heavy distortion replaces the video.
[3:00-3:01] Cut to Melony sitting in a bean bag, she reaches for a plate.
[3:02-3:05] There is a moment of distortion, and then footage of Scott and Melony leaning against eachother. Then Caught standing on a porch.
[3:05-3:20] Cut to the camera operator walking through the apartment and looking out onto a porch. Scott is drawing frantically by the light of a candle.
[3:21-3:48] After some distortion, the door opens and the camera moves out to Scott, who mutters. The camera looks around to a playground beneath the porch.
Scott: He was right there again. Just standing there. Just…the same spot. I see him every day. He just stands there.
[3:49-3:56] There is a flicker of distortion. The camera looks over at Scott's drawing, which depicts several images of the Slender Man.
Scott: I think I saw him, I don't know(?)
[3:57-4:07] Distortion gets heavy as the audio is drowned out. The camera turns to see the Slender Man standing pressed up against the ceiling down the hall.
[4:07] There is a quick flash of the Slender Man close up.
[4:08-4:09] There is heavy distortion as several quick images flash by, a tree full of shoes, and Melony speaking.
[4:10] Cut to Scott and Caught playing chess. Caught sits back with a Guitar on his lap.
Scott: Come on. We're doing something here.
[4:11-4:17] Distortion, then cut to Scott and Caught walking through the woods. They approach the stump where Scott's body was found in Willows Peak. Meloney stands back nervously as Scott walks past, and puts a hand on her shoulder.
[4:18-4:21] 1AmTheHelp3r's doll sits on the stump with a slip of paper. Caught takes the note.
Caught: Notes in the woods. 'Course, more notes in the woods. What does this even mean?
[4:22-4:33] Scott picks up the doll and begins looking it over. There is a quick close frame of distortion.
Caught: Scott!
Scott: What?
Caught: What are you doing? Put it down!
Scott: Why?
Caught: Put it down!
Scott: He put it out here for us to find it…
Caught: Scott! Just put it back!
Scott: We need to look at it.
Caught: Scott. Just calm down and put it-
[4:33-4:40] Scott throws the doll and begins to stomp on it. Caught grabs him and pulls him away and they begin to fight.
Caught: Dammit! The hell's your problem?
Scott: This isn't helping anyone!
Caught: What are you doing?
[4:41-4:43] Scott puts his hand to the camera as heavy distortion begins. There are several hidden frames of Scott.
[4:43] Cut to Melony and Caught on the porch. Caught turns back towards the camera. Distortion.
[4:44-4:51] Cut back to Scott and Caught playing chess. Caught strums on the guitar. There is slight distortion
Scott: You just-you just want me to take that piece? Is that what that was? You're not-you're not even thinking about what you're doing here?
[4:52-4:57] Caught reaches forward and sweeps the pieces off the board with his arm. Meloney laughs as they grin at each other.
Caught: I win.
Scott: We were playing for something here.
[4:58-5:00] Caught reaches forward and flicks the last standing piece over. Everyone laughs.
[5:00-5:17] There is heavy distortion and cut to footage of the Lansing place dollhouse. Four dolls standing in the "basement" room, and the Slender Man doll leans on the wall next to them. The camera pulls out to show Caught, Meloney and Scott.
Meloney: He's right next door. He's one room away…
Scott: Caught! This is all your fault.
Caught: Shut up Scott.
Scott: He's one room away! Do you even remember how we got here? Do you even remember-
[5:17-5:20] There is a distorted close up of Scott.
Scott: -why we're here. Do you even remember her name?
[5:20-5:32] Cut back. Meloney approaches Scott. There are occasional distorted close ups and steadily rising audio distortion.
Meloney: You know what? Shut-I mean I'm just-I'm sick of this. You're such a wimp. You're s-so…selfish, self-centered, prick!
[5:33-5:36] Meloney pushes Scott who steps back and draws a gun. Distortion grows heavier.
[5:36-5:47] Cut to Scott pointing the gun at Caught. The distortion lessens.
Caught: Have you lost your mind? Give me the gun. Scott…
[5:48-5:57] Scott turns the gun on himself when Caught reaches for him.
Caught: Give…me…
[5:57-6:02] Caught takes the gun and punches Scott in the throat. Scott falls, coughing.
[6:03-6:04] Distortion begins. Close up of Caught removing the clip from the gun.
[6:05-6:29] Caught slowly paces away from Scott who is still coughing.
Caught: Dammit Scott! This is my fault? I should've left you on the street where I found you! You have done nothing for us! You have brought nothing to us!
[6:30-6:37] There is the sound of a door opening. The camera turns to see 1AmTheHelp3r pull a bag over Scott's head and out the door. Distortion is heavy.
[6:38-6:43] There are a series of distorted images, Shoes in a tree, Scott laughing, and the figure seen in Willows Peak Tape.
[6:44-6:59] Cut to Natalie walking through the woods at Willows Peak. She seems the stump but the body is gone.
[7:00] There is a quick flash of the figure from Willows Peak Tape again.
[7:01-7:27] Natalie continues forward, on the ground near the stump lies a crushed doll. She looks around but no one is present.
[7:27-7:31] Audio distortion begins.
[7:32-7:34] Natalie turns to see Scott, with the bloody bag over his head, charging towards her.
Scott: Get out!
[7:35-7:36] There are a flurry of images of Scott. Looking at the camera, holding Meloney, being taken by 1amtheHelp3r, and as the bloody bag.
[7:37] Cut. The camera looks up at Scott who strangles Natalie. The watch given to her by Roivas is visible.
[7:38] There are a flurry of hidden frames.
[7:38] Scott strangles Natalie. Several more hidden frames.
[7:39] Scott strangles Natalie. Several more hidden frames including Scott with the gun, and bloody Scott in the woods.
[7:40] Natalie reaches for the watch.
[7:41] Several more hidden frames including Scott and Caught's fight in 1472 Lansing Place.
[7:42] Natalie grabs the watch
[7:43] Several hidden frames of Scott interacting with the other runners.
[7:44] Natalie gets the watch around his neck.
[7:44] More hidden frames of Scott and Caught fighting.
[7:45] Scott and Natalie struggle.
[7:46] Hidden frames of Scott
[7:47] Natalie pushes Scott back
[7:48] Hidden frames of Scott
[7:48] Natalie jumps off the stump towards Scott.
[7:49-7:50] Heavy distortion
[7:51-7:57] Scott steps back into the Dark Place, he grips his neck, and then collapses into dust. The sound of ticking is audible.
[7:58-8:05] Screen goes dark.
[8:06-8:14] A distorted video begins to play of Scott and Caught sitting outside talking.
Caught: See? Things ain't so bad.
[8:15-8:16] The footage begins to distort.
RoivasSevil: Sweetheart…
[8:17-8:24] RoivasSevil appears, walking up to the camera.
RoivasSevil: Go home.
[8:25-8:40] Natalie appears back in the alley. She looks around, and begins to run.
[8:41-8:54] Cut to Natalie entering the apartment. She runs down the stairs and towards Caught's door.
[8:55-8:57] The screen goes dark. White letters appear: "Caught's apartment is empty."
[8:58-9:02] "I have no idea where he is."
[9:03-9:10] "I'm alone." Video ends.