[0:00-0:26] Natalie has the camera, it's dark and she is walking towards a lamppost.
Natalie: Um…It's like, uh…*cough*, it's like 2:30 in the morning. Caught just called me about Roivas leaving him some kinda message, I don't, I dunno. He told me to meet him over here and then hung up. So…yeah.
[0:27-0:41] Natalie reaches the light and looks around. To her left is a man in a trench coat smoking. She looks away before realizing it's Caught.
Natalie: Caught? Caught? Uhm…Caught?
[0:42-1:44] She approaches Caught who has a shaved head and a large black eye. They begin to walk.
Natalie: Are you smo-
Caught: Really with the camera already? Seriously?
Natalie: Since when do you smoke?
Caught: Since I smoke.
Natalie: Wait, come here. What happened your eye?
Caught: What?
Natalie: Are you ok?
Caught: I'm good.
Natalie: What ha-why do you have a-? Are you ok? Like, what happened?
Caught: I got in a fight.
Natalie: Got in a fight. Got in a fight with who?
Caught: A guy.
Natalie: Wha-uh-A guy? What kinda guy? Like, a Help3r guy?
Caught: Just a guy.
Natalie: A guy.
Caught: He had a nice coat.
Natalie: He had a nice coat. Gah. Caught. Wait! Why…what do you mean you 'got in a fight'? What the hell is wrong with you? What are we doing here anyway? What..?
Caught: So, I got a message from Roivas…
[1:45-1:47] The audio is missing. The video continues.
[1:47-1:48] Audio resumes. They are still walking down a periodically lit path.
Caught: -you know. I went-
[1:48] Audio cuts out very briefly.
[1:49-3:16] audio resumes.
Natalie: -Roivas was…?
Caught: -nd the note. So I went to the, the 'Butterflies' and had them decode it. And it said, 'look for cover, but it's not going to help you…'
Natalie: …look for cover…
Caught: And it had Co-ordinates on it.
Natalie: Co-ordinates! Ok.
Caught: So that's where we're going.
Natalie: We're going to Co-ordinates…'Look for Cover…'; Caught? What's going on? Caught?
Caught: What?
Natalie: Can ya talk to me? Like, You just…what happened? Caught?
Caught: What happened where? What?
Natalie: What happened in that house?
Caught: Well…there was some music, and some woods…and, you know, video was taken. There's that…thing.
Natalie: What is…What is wrong with you?
[3:17-3:33] Caught stops briefly, looking around, before moving on.
Natalie: What was with that video, huh? With the laughing and the snorting and the giggling…and the rats?
Caught: I don't know.
Natalie: Whaddya mean you don't know?!?
[3:34-4:15] Caught turns and begins yelling at Natalie, who backs away. The video also becomes periodically blurry.
Caught: I. Don't. Know. I don't know…what that video was. I don't know who was in it. I don't know why he apparently love cute little fuzzy animals. I don't know how I got here…
Natalie: What?
Caught: I don't know where I came from. Wanna know something? You wanna know why I never told me your name? Like, I heard you made a big stink about it. I don't know my name.
Natalie: What do you mean you don't know know your name?
Caught: I don't remember anything before waking up in that apartment.
Natalie: What do you mean you don't-
Caught: I don't remember anything.
Natalie: N-Noth-
Caught: Anything!!!
[4:16-4:29] Caught walks away. Natalie stops and then chases after him. The video is extremely blurry.
Natalie: What…what? What do you mean you don't remember anything? You don't like, nothing? Like…
Caught: Nothing. But you know, that's not the worst part.
[4:30-4:41] Caught stops and flicks his cigarette away, pacing.
Caught: You know, you'd-That's pretty weird though, right? Like, that I don't remember anything?
Natalie: Yes! That is extremely odd!
Caught: The worst part is, until recently?
[4:42-5:41] Caught lights another cigarette and takes off in the other direction.
Caught: I didn't care.
Natalie: What do you mean you didn't care?
Caught: Didn't care.
Natalie: Didn't care???
Caught: I remember waking up in that apartment, day after day after day, and doing nothing. Not going out and…
Natalie: Nothing. Just woke up and did nothing. And you don't even…you don't, you don't…what do you remember?
Caught: Do you know that ninety percent of people who get their degree in college never end up using it? They just wander through life, not going for what they actually apparently wanted to do. Just, strung along they go ahead and…they get jobs and they get married…Cattle.
[5:42-5:54] Caught stops, Natalie runs after him and shoves him, clearly upset.
Natalie: Cattle? Cattle? Cattle? Do you know who sound like right now? Do you? Come on?
Caught: Who do I sound like Natalie?
Natalie: You sound like Help3r!
[5:55-6:16] Caught turns, stares at Natalie, and walks away. Natalie chases after him.
Natalie: Look, you need to talk to me! Occasionally! About where your going! And what your plans are! And what you don't remember and what you do remember…because…you know I'm getting really-
[6:17-6:34] Audio cuts out. The video continues of Natalie following Caught down a darkened road.
[6:35-6:36] Video goes black.
[6:37-6:56] Cut, Caught and Natalie are walking down a street. It appears to be a suburban back alley. They don't speak to one another.
[6:57-6:58] Video goes black.
[6:58-7:08] Cut. Caught and Natalie are walking down a different darkened city street.
Natalie: Caught. Caught!
Caught: What?
Natalie: How far away are we going?
[7:09-7:24] Caught looks around before silently continuing on. People can be heard in the background. Natalie sighs and follows.
[7:24] Video goes black.
[7:25-8:20] Cut to Caught and Natalie walking on a path towards a brightly lit bridge. Natalie looks at the darkness around them and then back at Caught. The video is slightly blurry as she nears him.
Natalie: Caught. *cough*
[8:21-8:36] The bridge can be seen clearly. Caught spots something and speeds up.
Natalie: What is that? Caught? Caught? What is that? Is that what we're here for?
[8:37-8:48] Caught stops. Natalie walks up beside him.
Natalie: Huh?
Caught: Natalie…
Natalie: What?
[8:48-9:03] Natalie looks around nervously. Caught shakes his head and continues on.
Natalie: What? What?
[9:04-9:52] Natalie and Caught approach a black umbrella that is sitting, open on the ground.
Caught: Just, Shh! I'm not exactly in a huge rush to go picking stuff up these days so just, give me a second.
[9:53-10:10] Caught picks up the umbrella and looks it over. Natalie looks around.
Natalie: It's raining…
Caught: That figures, doesn't it?
[10:11-10:21] Caught walks up with the umbrella. The sound of rain hitting it is audible, also distortion begins.
Caught: Get an umbrella, it starts raining. Sheesh. Take cover, but it's not going to help you…
[10:22-10:26] Caught stops walking. Suddenly the shot lights up and Natalie looks back to see that the umbrella has gone up in flame.
Natalie: Caught!
Caught: Son of a bitch!
[10:26-10:30] Caught throws the umbrella to the ground, and stomps out the fire.
Caught: What kind of umbrella catches fire-???
[10:31-10:40] Caught takes off, screaming at Natalie. Natalie chases after him.
Caught: I'm done! I'm done! What kinda umbrella catches fine in the rain?
Natalie: Caught! Caught! Caught, don't just…! Caught!
[10:41-10:49] Natalie stops as Caught storms off.
Caught: I'm done with you! I'm done with this!
Natalie: You can't just leave me again!!! Caught!
[10:50-] Natalie turns back the umbrella, looks around, and begins to cry. Video ends.