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Aftermath was uploaded by CaughtNotSleeping on April 20th, 2012. It is 7:51 minutes long.

After watching Caught follow the screams, Natalie begins filming but is unable to reach help. She enters the woods to search for Caught and has a horrifying encounter with the Puppets of 925 Cranbrook Dr.

Additional Information

Slender Man Appearances

  • There is audio distortion at 0:40 (from Natalie's Cell); 3:45; 3:59; 5:04; 5:24; 5:36
  • There is visual distortion at 1:37; 2:18; 2:38; 3:20; 3:59; 5:04; 5:24
  • There is missing visual at 5:36.

Puppet Caught Appearance.

Having show up before in 925 Cranbrook Dr. and set loose in The Umbrella; the puppet Caughts have never had a direct physical role before in the series until now. However, they seem to be drawn to Natalie more than Caught himself either because they are a representation of Caught's psyche or his past lives; possibly some sort of projection of himself. It seems unlikely that he has any sort of control over them. RoivasSevil has since discredited the notion that they represent the Showtime Killer; but it is unclear what they are and what their role may be.


Confirmed Theories

Natalie was taken to The Dark Place when she was attacked Confirmed by RoivasSevil chat

Working Theories and Observations

It has been repeatedly suggested that the scream heard during 26 2326916 1115262422 was the same scream after Natalie was stabbed. This would suggest some sort of alteration of time and space.

Further Speculation

So, we have Slenderman hunting Caught. We have the 'Puppet Caughts seemingly hunting/tormenting Natalie…And we have The 'Showtime Killer' hunting the butterflies. ~ Paradox on SlenderNation.