[0:00-0:11] Natalie is holding the camera. She sweeps across the ground, pacing
Natalie: -gotta be kidding me! Caught! Caught!!! Oh my God!
[0:12-0:28] Natalie looks towards the woods, but Caught is gone.
Natalie: Oh man.
[0:29-0:39] Natalie drops the camera on the table and begins pacing, dialing on a cell phone.
[0:40-0:54] Distortion can be heard coming from the phone. Natalie stops, listens to the sound several times, and turns off the phone.
[0:55-1:04] Natalie turns on the phone again and the distortion continues. She continues pacing.
Natalie: Come on!
[1:05-1:15] Natalie walks off camera, the distortion stops and we hear the sound of her picking up a baseball bat. She walks on screen putting on a coat.
[1:16-1:23] The camera is picked up, and Natalie runs into the woods.
Natalie: Caught!
[1:24-1:35] Natalie stops, and looks around to reveal that she is deep in the woods.
Natalie: Caught!?
[1:36-1:37] There is visual distortion, and Caught's voice can be heard laughing.
[1:38-1:58] The Distortion vanishes.
Natalie: …Caught? Caught if that is you…mmn. Caught?
[1:58-2:17] Natalie moves towards a clearing. She begins to hum nervously.
[2:18-2:30] Caught's voice finishes the song and laughs. There is heavy visual distortion.
Caught: You make me happy…When skies are grey…
[2:31-2:37] Natalie backs away from the sound, as the distortion clears.
[2:38-3:15] There is more visual distortion and the sound of a laugh that startles Natalie.
Natalie: Who is that? Hello? Hello? Caught? Heh…heh…heh.
[3:16-3:19] At the sound of voices Natalie turns to see the Sad Caught Puppet huddled under a tree.
Sad: I don't know what happened here. Can't you tell? We're not alright…
[3:20] There is a moment of visual distortion as the puppet is yanked back into the tree and then is gone.
[3:21-3:44] Natalie continues backing into the clearing.
Natalie: What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? Wha-What?
[3:45-3:48] There is a ringing distortion.
[3:49-3:51] Suddenly the Happy Caught Puppet is sitting on a tree trunk above Natalie.
Happy: Hi friend! How ya' doin'?
[3:51-3:54] Natalie turns to see the Malicious Caught Puppet standing right next to her.
Malicious: Hey Natalie.
[3:54-3:58] Malicious throws Natalie and the camera lands on the ground.
[3:59-4:09] Natalie looks up to see Malicious Caught slowly approaching. There is heavy audio and visual distortion.
Natalie: Stay away! Please! Please! Please! No!
[4:09-4:13] Happy Caught picks Natalie up and holds her still. Natalie screams.
[4:14-4:15] Natalie turns to see Sad Caught also holding her down.
[4:16-4:27] Malicious Caught continues to slowly approach, wielding a knife.
[4:27-4:38] Suddenly Malicious is extremely close to the camera. The camera pans down slowly.
[4:39-4:49] Visual and Audio distortion diminish. Natalie can be heard choking and gasping as we see Malicious has stabbed her. The camera drifts away.
[4:50-5:04] Malicious holds the knife again, and stabs a second time. Natalie looks down at the knife.
[5:05-5:23] Malicious takes the camera and holds it out. Natalie is against a tree, gasping as Malicious watches her.
Malicious: Oh Natalie…Don't be scared…It's ok…
[5:24-5:31] Audio and Visual distortion pick up as Malicious leans down.
Malicious: It's just a game.
[5:32-5:35] Video fades to black as Malicious yanks up on the knife and Natalie screams.
[5:36-6:23] Video is black. There is only audio distortion which slowly fades.
[6:24-6:42] Video and audio return. Natalie is lying on the ground away from the camera. She coughs and cries.
[6:43-6:47] Natalie jumps upright; checking to see is she is hurt. She is not.
[6:48-6:55] There is coughing off screen, Natalie stands and picks up the camera.
[6:56-7:09] Caught can be seen stumbling into the clearing. Natalie looks around for the puppet Caughts' who are no longer there.
Natalie: No! What the-Caught? Stay away from me!
[7:10-7:30] Caught collapses. Natalie checks again to see if she is hurt.
Natalie: Caught? Caught! What the…? Caught…Caught!
[7:31-7:38] Natalie starts to run towards Caught, who is lying unconscious on the ground.
[7:39-7:43] Video cuts to black. White text: "I was able to get Caught out of the woods and call an ambulance. He is in the hospital right now with serious injuries.//
[7:44-7:47] "I thought I had a nightmare…somehow until I reviewed the footage on the camera…but, I am not injured at all…"
[7:48-7:51] "I can still feel it…" Video ends.