[0:00-0:34] Natalie is onscreen, she is standing in front of a road leading into the woods. She waves and begins speaking.
Natalie: Hey guys, it's Natalie. Um, I just wanted to update everyone on what's been going, cause there has been a lot happening. Um, There's been a lot of activity from Help3r and Roivas if you've been paying attention. Uh, For starters everyone got that message from Help3r. As far as…everyone can tell, it boils down to a chapter from Winnie-the-Pooh? Which I'm not really…sure what that's supposed to mean, except that maybe, I might be here hunting Woozles? Shh…don't scare the Woozles…
[0:35-0:37] Cut; Same shot.
Natalie: Um, for those of you who don't know, Caught is missing.
[0:38-1:24] Cut; Same shot.
Natalie: For a long time I thought…you know…what one would rationally think if Caught was missing…? That…you know…he was kidnapped again…I did go to his apartment and it was totally trashed. Um…but the people who've made videos asked Roivas for help, and Roivas has revealed that Caught left of his own accord. Uh, to go to the house that Help3r, or the address that Help3r led us to. I'm not quite sure why he would go without telling me…Or why his apartment would be trashed, but to say that I'm irritated with him is putting it mildly…so…yeah.
[1:24-2:02] Cut; Same shot.
Natalie: Most of you know that he and I had a fight…after, Help3r gave us the address. Caught desperately wants to follow every lead that he gets, and I think that it's somewhat stupid to follow every single lead regardless of who gives it to us, I think we should us a little discretion, occasionally, so that we don't go missing, you know. Uhm, he desperately wanted to go to the house, I told him I would not be going, he told me he would. But he said he would take it carefully. But now he's just gone…
[2:02-2:17] Cut; Same shot. Natalie is clearly emotional.
Natalie: Roivas has let on that Caught might be in some kind of danger…and I told the viewers that I wasn't gonna go, I told you I was…I told Caught, I'm not going to the house, I'm-I'm not, I don't trust Help3r. Just not gonna happen.
[2:18-2:55] Cut; Same shot.
Natalie: -made the point that I'm Caught's only friend. For that matter, Caught is my only friend…at this point. I can't drag anyone else into this, I can't…ask other people to come…My greatest fear is being trapped alone somewhere, which is I don't…particularly want to come to this house, but, heh, if I don't, I'm alone anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Furthermore, it sounds like Caught is in danger, and you can't just leave your only friend. So…
[2:56-2:58] Natalie turns the camera away from her, towards the road. There is a white gate with red reflectors.
Natalie: I'm here! This is where my map has led me…
[2:59-3:06] Cut; we are looking at Natalie again, but at a different angle. She shifts the camera between herself and looking at the woods.
Natalie: I'm not particularly eager about the fact that it leads me straight into a…road going into the woods, that doesn't seem like a great idea to me, but I'm gonna go…
[3:07-3:20] Cut again: same shot. Natalie reaches into her backpack and pulls out a yellow baseball bat.
Natalie: Because that doesn't seem like a particularly good idea to me, I've brought a little helper of my own, you know, in case I should need it. I'm calling him Franklin…Lord of the Dance.
[3:20-4:05] Cut to a shot of the woods. Natalie turns the camera looking around the woods as she walks down the path.
Natalie: Well…this is where the road ends. According to my map, there's supposed to be a house here. I don't know about you but I'm not seeing a house. House?
Natalie whistles, as if to a dog.
Natalie: House…? No house. I don't see a house. There's no house! Damnit! Caught? Caught! …damnit.
[4:06-4:19] Natalie drops the camera and paces in front of it, clearly frustrated.
Natalie: Damn it! Damn it!
[4:19-4:40] Natalie picks up the camera, walks across the road and over to a red envelope sitting on a branch. The envelope is adorned with butterflies. She walks back across the street.
Natalie: Oh that's cute. That's adorable. That is adorable.
[4:40-4:52] She flicks off the envelope and reveals a note card covered in Roivas code. 422 1926522 211512413 712 815124152 on the front and 1922 19268 20121322 1813. On the back. Translating to: We have flown to slowly. He has gone in. Natalie drops the note.
[4:53-5:07] Natalie is crouched in front of the camera.
[5:08-5:39] Music starts to play. Natalie lifts her head and then rushes over to the camera, looking around.
Natalie: Please tell me you are picking that up. You can hear that right? You can hear that? Where is it? Damn it. There's nothing there. Great, great, great! Great.
[5:39-5:44] Natalie grabs the camera and begins to run.
Natalie: Great. Alright let's go, lets go…
Video ends.