"I see you, you see me."
July 31st, 2012, the Mirror offered RoivasSevil's Butterflies a deal with which they could retrieve the remainder of RoivasSevil's message to Little Butterfly. As part of this deal he requested a that five of the Butterflies perform a ritual wherein they breathed on a mirror, wiped away the condensation and repeated the phrase "I see you, you see me". Although the Butterflies ultimately failed to perform this ritual to the Mirror's satisfaction, several players did the ritual and tied themselves to the mirror. Eventually the contents of the package were returned after Butterfly "Thyodamas" surrendered her light to the Mirror in order to protect her friends.
However since this time, The Mirror seems to have been cowed by the efforts of the Butterflies and fellow players. Although he has not denied the desire to acquire more followers, it seems that he has lost his interest in them.
The Followers
The Followers are by definition those who have volunteered of their own volition to join the Mirror
The first of the volunteer Mirror followers BlueMoonLycan seems to have been instrumental in recruiting many of the other followers.
- Act 1: BlueMoonLycan joins the Mirror
One of BlueMoonLycan's recruits
Ragon Dicon
- 2012 10 19 17 47 17: Ragon Dicon joins the Mirror
- Act 1?: TheRabbitTable joins the Mirror
- About joining Mirrors.: TheRabbitTable explains his decision to volunteer
- The Moon Is Crossing: TheRabbitTable explains his theories regarding the Mirror
- This is not a shakespearean drama! (Second Attempt): TheRabbitTable speaks out against his fellow Mirror Followers
- For Chewie: TheRabbitTable consents to Laparus's attempt to severe his connection with the Mirror
The Mirror's Victims
Those who chose to do a ritual of the Mirror under extenuating circumstance
The first to the Mirror ritual, in order to buy Little Butterfly more time to solve the puzzle contained within her RoivasSevil box
- I see you, You see me: CanonThought responds to Mirror's demands and buys Little Butterfly more time
- Polite Questions for Yasurc: CanonThought requests information about Mirrors
One of RoivasSevil's butterflies who performed the ritual in order to try and retrieve the contents of Little Butterfly's package.
- for yasurc: JustAlittleMessenger does Mirror's ritual to try and help RoivasSevil
- for laparus: JustAlittleMessenger consents to Laparus' attempt to severe her connection with the Mirror
Thyodamas - "Sweet Sister"
The one the Mirror refers to as "Sweet Sister" and seems to value most highly, Thyodamas of the Butterflies gave her light to the Mirror after being told that he would either take her light or the light of Butterfly Loxura. Since then Thyodamas has been a focus of the Mirror.
- Adressing Yasurc's Offer: rosiembanks1 tries to reason with The Mirror
- Show Yasurc my trust: rosiembanks1 gives The Mirror a show of trust
- I Apologize in Advance for This: rosiembanks1 sacrifices her light for Loxura
- Please don't do that: rosiembanks1 begs viewers not to join the Mirror
- Gettin real tired of this shit: rosiembanks1 tells the Mirror Followers to stop before the situation escalates
- A Ritual for Roivas: rosiembanks1 performs a counter-ritual against the Mirror
- In Response to Chewie's Ritual: rosiembanks1 constents to Laparus's attempt to retrieve her light
- NO DEVIL LIVED ON: rosiembanks1 burns the Mirror in effigy