[0:00-0:04] Screen is black. Suddenly we see Caught running through the trees. The camera is following behind. The image is jarred and there is slight visual distortion.
[0:04-0:07] The scene goes dark and cuts to Natalie following Caught as he runs beneath a bridge. There is visual distortion.
[0:07-0:09] The scene cuts. Caught falls and resumes running towards a parked car.
[0:10-0:15] Cut as Caught runs to the vehicle pointing, and goes to the passenger side.
Caught: There?
Natalie: This one! This one! Yeah!
[0:16-0:19] Natalie climbs into the car.
[0:20-0:45] Cut. The car is in motion, with the camera on the dash. Caught looks around.
Caught: Natalie! What did-how did you find us?
Natalie: I just did!
Caught: How did-What did you do?
Natalie: What did-
Caught: //What did-
Natalie: What did you do?
Caught: He blew up his own place, Natalie! What did you do?
Natalie: What did you do? He collapsed!
Caught: What?
Natalie: What did you stab him with?
Caught: It was…It was like a sedative or something…
Natalie: Sedative?
Caught: He had this, uh, this work room that just had all this medical stuff in it…and while he was dragging me out I g-grabbed some and…I knew if he gave me a chance I'd get him!
[0:46-1:35] Caught, who has been anxiously looking around, begins pounding on the interior of the car in excitement.
Caught: You son of a bitch…What!
Natalie: We're ok, we're ok…we're ok…calm down, calm down.
Caught: It's good to see you again.
Natalie: It's good to see you too.
[1:36-1:40] Cut. The camera faces out of the windshield towards a tree-lined road. It is raining.
[1:41-1:46] Cut, the car is now on a larger road. Still raining.
Natalie: (indecipherable) -I don't remember what it was called though. It was like…Oh God what do they-
[1:47-1:52] Cut. Natalie is driving.
Caught: (indecipherable) -I don't think he's ever ordered me to-
[1:53-1:59] Cut. Caught is leaning out of the window of the moving car.
Natalie: You're going to lose your face…
[2:00-2:06] Cut. Camera looks out towards a long road next to a body of water. There is a hill in the distance. There are dark clouds overhead. Heavy music is playing in the background.
[2:07-2:25] Cut. The car is stopped at a Circle K. It's later in the evening now. Caught flips through the radio. There is a succession of music, then a news report.
Radio: Witnesses report discovering the infamous calling card, "The Show Must Go On", eerily scrawled across an apartment ceiling indicating yet another victim in the Show Time Killer's spree.
[2:26-2:33] Caught hastily turns off the radio.
[2:34-2:47] Natalie enters the car and throws a bag of Funions on his lap. Caught opens the bag and begins eating.
Caught: And then life was good.
[2:48-3:00] Cut. The car is driving along a tree lined road. Caught begins to nod off. A radio is playing in the background.
[3:01-3:08] Cut. The camera faces forwards toward a long, empty road lined by street lamps. It is night. A radio plays in the background.
[3:09-3:18] Cut. The camera is facing a long empty road. It is lined with trees and has no light beyond the headlights. A radio plays in the background. The headlights begin to flicker on an off and the radio becomes static. The car powers down.
Natalie: No. No no no. No no. Come on!
[3:19-3:30] Natalie revs the engine. The lights flicker.
Natalie: No. Come on. Please no. Come on, come on, come on! You are not doing this to me right now. Come on. Come on!
[3:31-3:43] Engine turns over, lights turn on and the radio resumes. There is an car bell dinging.
[3:44-3:55] Cut, same street. Radio is still playing. The lights begin to flicker again. There is heavy audio distortion.
[3:56-3:56] The lights flicker on to reveal Puppet Caught in the road. Natalie gasps and slams on the breaks. The lights flicker back out. There is heavy distortion.
[3:57-4:21] The lights come back on. There is no puppet. Natalie turns on the car and continues to drive. The radio resumes.
Caught: Ah! Woah. What the hell man? You-you almost hit a deer or something?
Natalie: Nothing. I thought…I thought-never mind. Don't-don't, nevermind.
Caught: I go to sleep for like, two seconds and you almost crash the car. It would figure. It would figure that-
[4:22-4:40] Cut. Caught hangs his arm out of the open window. City buildings are visible in the background.
[4:41-4:59] Cut. Caught sleeps in the passenger seat. It is raining in the city outside. Caught wakes up, agitated.
Caught: Hey. Hey. Stop the car. Stop-stop the car!
Natalie: What. What? What?
Caught: Pull over!
Natalie: What?
Caught: Pull over!
Natalie: What?
Caught: Stop! Stop the car!
Natalie: I'm stopping! Ok, ok.
Caught: Pull over! Just go in there! Go!
Natalie: Ok! Ok!
Caught: St-
Natalie: What?
[5:00-5:15] Caught opens the door and steps out of the still-moving car.
Natalie: Hey, Caught! Where the-what? Son of a-
[5:16-5:51] Natalie picks up and turns the camera. Caught can be seen walking towards a Liquor store, then back towards the car.
Natalie: Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. Really? What now?
Caught: Hey, you have like…fifty bucks?
Natalie: What?
Caught: You wanna like-
Natalie: What?
Caught: You wanna get some rum?
Natalie: N-no. No!
Caught: Ah, come on! I can get-W-will you get it?
Natalie: Fine. Fine! Will you get back in the c-
[5:52-5:53] Cut. Natalie and Caught are sitting in a living room. There are bottles in the foreground.
[5:53] Cut. Caught drinks a beer.
[5:54] Cut. Caught drinks a glass of alcohol.
[5:54-6:04] Caught pours himself alcohol into two glasses. One shot glass, and one a larger glass.
Caught: We would go out…Natalie's shot. Caught's shot.
[6:05] Cut. Caught lies back drinking a beer.
Natalie: Was there anything like-
[6:06] Cut. Caught sits beside Natalie drinking. Natalie shakes an empty shot glass.
Natalie: It's empty.
[6:07-6:08] Cut. Caught pours glasses.
[6:09-6:13] Caught sits with a glass.
Natalie: But-no-
Caught: We forget about everything that's goin' on. Are we ready? Go ahead and shoot it.
Natalie: Yep. Yep.
[6:14-] Caught takes a long drink. Natalie tosses the contents of her shot glass over hear shoulder.
Natalie: Here you go.
Caught: Feels better right?
Natalie: Feels-
[6:21] Cut. Caught drinks.
Natalie: -those files-
[6:22-6:23] Cut. Caught takes a long drink of beer.
Natalie: When it was you and Helper together, like-
[6:25-6:32] Cut. Caught again, drinking beer.
Natalie: Where-wh-what'd-wait. What'd you guys do? Like-like what-ok. So you-you spent like…what-
[6:33-6:47] Caught is standing. He picks up an empty bottle and drops it.
Natalie: I-I-
Caught: I don't get whats with the camera all the time Natalie.
Natalie: It just makes-
Caught: All the time with the camera in my face…like I'm some kinda reality-
[6:48-7:00] Cut. Caught sits down with a beer.
Caught: -money. Like…
Natalie: -too lazy to. (?)
Caught: You ain't got a job.
Natalie: I got a job!
Caught: You like-You don't got no job…
Natalie: I got a job.
Caught: You ain't got-What's your job?
Natalie: How do you think I have a car?
Caught: I…uh, I dunno I didn't think about that.
Natalie: I'm a-
[7:01-7:25] Slight cut.
Natalie: I got this apartment from one of my clients.
Caught: Well, shit.
Natalie: Yes.
Caught: Alright well, you know…ok…you got an apartment from a client? That doesn't make any-
Natalie: Well, it's the-well-it's like…like, it's set up for one of my clients. We're just in here…for now.
Caught: That's shady as shit!
[7:26-7:57] Cut. Caught is now lying the other way.
Natalie: I go into a house, I get a-
Caught: Your client? What's your job?
Natalie: I-I'm a-I'm a d-I'm a interior decor-I-I design. I design things.
Caught: You design things?
Natalie: I-I, yeah. I go into a house…
Caught: Like what? What things?
Natalie: Like-like this. I go into this house and I-like-they-they move out into-into-into a motel and I go into the house and I'm like…I f-I-I I get to know the house. I get to know the house. And then I-then I-I make it look better. I decorate it.
Caught: Are you fuckin' serious?
Natalie: I-I design.
[7:58-8:37] Cut. Caught is lying back with a beer. Natalie sits forward.
Natalie: -to you?
Caught: Yeah he-well, how do you think I knew what was going on? H-he'd give me the documents…
Natalie: What does he sound like?
Caught: wh-haha!
Natalie: No r-like…
Caught: What does Helper sound like? …Serious. That bitch…is serious. But whatever the hell he's doing…That man does not know how to have fun.
Natalie: I dunno, I think the handcuff on your wrist says otherwise.
Caught: Tch-Oh! Oh!
[8:38-8:47] Cut. Caught is sitting up.
Caught: Horse tranquilizer! Bam! You're dead, bitch! Rule 7.5, you look like a bitch. Se-hehe.
[8:48-8:51] Caught stands behind Natalie, pointing at a painting behind her on the wall. Natalie leans forward and dumps her shot in his glass.
Caught: -is up with this? This is some cr-Did you just-?
[8:52-9:06] Slight cut.
Natalie: It came with the house, I don't…
Caught: It came with the house?
Natalie: It came with the-
Caught: There is a girl with, like, bloody, like, eye-drippin's…on this photo.
Natalie: My…the client put it…I don't-It's the client. I don't know.
Caught: It's the client?
Natalie: It's the client's.
[9:06-9:08] Caught takes the picture off the wall.
Caught: Well, I don't like it.
[9:08-9:15] Slight cut.
Natalie: I'm gonna pull that right back out.
Caught: Bam! Trash can.
[9:16-9:33] Cut. Caught is lying down. He sits up, and moves towards Natalie.
Caught: I told you to stop, man! I told you to stop! I told you to stop!
Natalie: Do you-you think that really would've helped?
Caught: It might've!
Natalie: I don't think so.
Caught: I don't know what'll help! Dude! You know one thing-
Natalie: Dude, If I had stopped…
Caught: No! No! One thing I learned! No!
Natalie: If I had stopped you'd still be chained to that pole and you know it.
[9:34-10:18] Caught sets down his bottle and leans towards Natalie.
Caught: Natalie. Natalie. No, Natalie. Natalie. Natalie. Look at me. Look at me, Natalie.
Natalie: I'm looking at you.
Caught: One think I can tell you about Helper. Alright. One thing I can tell you about Helper. Alright? Other than Rule 7.5…you look like a bitch…
Natalie: Like a bitch.
Caught: Helper doesn't know what's going on. Ok? He had me looking through those files like I would find something. How the fuck am I gonna find something? I've only been in this for…He doesn't know what's happening. Ok. But it spreads through people. I know that. No, I know that. I don't know why I know it, but I know it. You know someone who you care about, it will find them. Every fucking time.
[10:19-10:26] Caught flings a bottle across the room and storms off. Video ends.