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Little Update. was uploaded by CaughtNotSleeping on July 24th, 2011. It is 2:35 minutes long.
Caught updates the audience on his decision to return to the kitchen. He confirms that the RoivasSevil riddle has likely been solved and again calls out several viewers who have been particularly helpful. He also admits that things have been getting worse, and that his health seems to be in decline.
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Fan Interaction
Xuchilvith (Pronounced properly) is called out a second time, (the first being during Sorry.), for posting the decoded RoivasSevil messages in the comment. Caught also implies that Xuchilvith's speed is suspect and casts suspicion on her. It has been theorized by several members of the Unfiction community that Xuchilvith is a proxy account. Following this video it has also been Jokingly implied that Xuchilvith is in fact RoivasSevil.
YouTube user w00tT3hNinj4 was referred to, (incorrectly as "WootNinja'), somewhat disparagingly for their suggestion to turn on the sink.