[0:00-0:06] Black screen, white text. "I was approached by one of you viewers, while walking to the store yesterday."
[0:06-0:12] Text changes. "After telling her the last attempt resulted in a worse shock then ever, she insisted that she knew how to get the coffin open. That Mesay20yr had mixed up the "half-hearted " jar and the "tainted" jar…
[0:13-0:42] video starts. Caught is walking down the street, Natalie beside him.
Caught: So what, I take it…you've been, uh…what? Watching the channel? Or something?
Natalie: Yeah.
Caught: What's you're name?
Natalie: Natalie.
Caught: What?
Natalie: Natalie.
Caught: Yeah…
Natalie: So…
Caught: I'm glad I have such…sweet adoring fans.
Natalie: So do you…uh, you take girls back to your…child coffins often?
Caught: Back to my child coffins?
Natalie: Yeah.
Caught:You know, when I'm in such a…huge, ecstatic rush to see a cocky, little…tiny, little arrogant bitch get electrocuted by one? That makes me really happy, so yeah.
[0:42-2:54] Natalie seems to veer off slightly.
Caught: Hey! Come on. So what, you were just happening through? Or you've been following me too?
Natalie: Just luck of the draw I guess. Come in, there's this, uh…dopey lookin' guy with a camera. Looked familiar.
Caught: Yeah…Well I'm glad I could enrich your day.
Natalie: Oh, so enriching.
Caught: Oh! Wait until you get the puzzle wrong, you'll know the meaning of the word 'enriching'. You know, apparently some…I knew that some of you people lived around here.
Natalie: Oh yeah?
Caught: Yeah…I didn't…imagine I'd really walk into one today though.
Natalie: Why's that?
Caught: I don't know. I got used to…paranoia of you people a while ago. I'd be on the bus and…
Natalie: Us people?
Caught: Yeah, just, I don't know. The idea of any of you being paranoid of running into me is just hysterical.
Natalie: Who said I was paranoid about running into you?
Caught: I've heard things. About some of you people who live around here. Who-who are you anyway? Do-have you ever commented on anything?
Natalie: No.
Caught: Well, I'm glad that I'm-I-ye-I'm g-getting helped by such a, um, such a s-a, uh, a cornerstone of the community. Thanks.
Natalie: Yeah.
Caught: No, so you didn't like, follow me there or something, did you?
Natalie: No. I was just having lunch…walked in…idiot with a camera…
Caught: 'Cause I've had enough of people following me around, you know?
Natalie: Were you afraid I was gonna whip out a brick or something?
Caught: Ha! Ha! You're funny. Ha ha hahaha! Ha!
Natalie: 'Cause, you know, I probably could find one if that's, you know, your thing.
Caught: No, you know, I've had my fair share of that. I'm good.
[2:55-3:20] Caught approaches a brick wall while walking.
Caught: Thirty-eight stitches and a week in the hospital will cure your love of bricks forever. This wall? I hate it. I kick it like three times a day. You see all, where it's all chipped? That's me baby.
Natalie: Oh wow. I'm so very impressed.
Caught: Oh, you should be. *He points to graffiti* Though I'm impressed by that face…That's high quality art.
[3:21-4:28] Caught turns the camera towards a street and a large W statue.
Caught: Ah, there's U-Dub. That's where all the Youngin's are. You going there? Is that why you're here?
Natalie: Naw, I just live around here.
Caught: Wait, you live around here?
Natalie: Yeah.
Caught: Where do you live?
Natalie: I dunno, a couple blocks down.
Caught: Haha. And you haven't been following me?
Natalie: No! I did recognize your building though.
Caught: You what?
Natalie: I recognized your building though. That's when I started keepin' an eye out…
Caught: You recognized my…when was my building even recognizable?
Natalie: Dude. You've walked outside your building like six times on camera. If I wanted to stalk you it would be so much easier than just trying to find you at some random restaurant.
Caught: You know you make some compelling points.
Natalie: Were I the one with the camera making the Slender man series, I don't think…showing off my building…would really be the first way I'd go about it.
Caught: Yeah, well. If you were the one making a Slender man series you'd understand that there are bigger things to worry about than people finding you.
[4:29-4:37] Cut as they enter Caught's apartment. Natalie now has the camera. He motions to the Coffin.
Caught: -you go.
Natalie: Oh, very classy.
Caught: Yeah. There he is.
Natalie: Not creepy at all.
Caught: Is that it? (?)
[4:38-4:58] Caught walks in frame, shutting and locking the door. Natalie pans over Caught's information wall.
Natalie: Huh…
[4:59-5:25] Caught calls her attention back to the coffin.
Caught: So, you ready to go ahead and put your money where your mouth is, little lady?
Natalie: Let's do it. Where are the jars?
Caught: Right there.
Natalie: mm…
Caught: On the fridge.
Natalie: Hm…Alright!
Caught: No, just…go ahead and…film it. I'll…I'll do it.
Natalie: 'Kay…
Caught: Alright…so…
[5:26-5:49] Natalie turns the camera to Caught who kneels in front of the coffin.
Caught: What's your claim? That…we have the…Tainted one, and…
Natalie: Yeah, the tainted one is the empty one.
Caught: Ok. Alright. Let's see what did Mesay say…?
[5:50-6:02] Natalie chuckles as Caught picks up the black swirly jar.
Caught: So you're saying…that this one…No, that's swirly, aw that freaks me out.
Natalie: How did you do that?
Caught: I didn't do anything…buddy.
[6:02-7:22] Natalie chuckles again. Caught begins to place the jars in the holes.
Caught: And two…Full one goes in eight. So you're saying the empty one…goes in…nine. Half hair, goes in twelve. Right. Broken…
Natalie and Caught Together: Goes in three.
Caught: Sorry, this thing has electrocuted me like four times now.
[7:23-7:24] Caught puts in the last jar and an electrical hum begins. Natalie drops the camera.
[7:25-7:27] The lights go out.
Natalie: Caught? Caught?
[7:27-7:30] The lights begin to flicker, the camera is on the ground, as is Caught, who is coughing.
[7:31-7:55] The lights turn back on.
Natalie: Caught? Caught. Are you ok? Are you, are you ok?
Caught: I'm fine.
Natalie: Did you do that?
Caught: 'M fine.
Natalie: Did you do that? Why would you do that? Why would you-?
Caught: Shut up!!! Shut up. Sit down!
Natalie: …oh my God.
Caught: Wait…Wait. G-g-get the camera.
Natalie: What?
Caught: Get the camera!
[7:56-8:12] Natalie picks up the camera. Caught is again kneeling by the coffin.
Caught: You were right…We are doing something wrong, but…You weren't-you weren't right, but you were.
Natalie: Freakin' insane…Oh my God.
[8:13-9:40] Caught begins to put the jars back in the coffin. His hands are visibly shaking.
Caught: The broken one was the first bird. And…you guys keep…gruh! You keep putting it in…number three but…because you keep calling it a grave but it's-it's not a grave it's-it says um…It says that uh…the bird stays in what would become it's grave not that it goes into a grave and birds…come from trees. So…
Natalie: What-are you ok?
Caught: Um…then there's the pure one, that's sky. Then this creepy, swirly one…
Natalie: It's smoking…
Caught: Is…in this swirly one.
Natalie: Oh God…
Caught: um…The…empty one…is in the flame cause that's the…that's the tainted one. Then th-the dirty one…goes…in the swamp. Which one's the swamp?
Natalie: It's that one.
Caught: And then…the last one is me.
[9:41-10:13] Caught drops the last jar in, and there is an audible click.
Natalie: ok…
Caught: So now we…now we open it…oh…
[10:14-10:31] Caught bends over and lifts the lid. He seems nervous to lift it off entirely.
[10:32-10:54] The video cuts slightly, Caught removes the lid to reveal piles of tapes.
Natalie: Hmm.
Caught: Ooh, lets see. That's a lot of wires.
Natalie: Um…'kay.
[10:54-11:02] Caught lifts out a music tape.
Caught: Helper. I don't own a cassette player!
[11:03-11:06] Caught throws the tape back and turns to the coffin again.
Caught: I'm under thirty!
Natalie: *laughing* Um…
[11:07-11:11] Caught reaches into the coffin, pulling out things.
Caught: What the hell is…?
Natalie: oh God.
Caught: It's a flashlight…
[11:12-11:14] Caught whips out a large pocket knife.
Caught: Hm…
Natalie: okay, um…
[11:15-11:24] Caught continues rooting around the coffin contents.
Caught: Maybe he's…making me ready for…seeking him again…Don't really wanna touch the exit sign. That seems like it would be bad…
[11:25-11:29] Caught pulls out a heavy metal pipe.
Natalie: Blunt objects…
[11:30-11:34] Caught reaches in and pulls out a machete.
Natalie: Pointy objects…
Caught: *laughing* What the hell man…
[11:35-] Caught reaches in again and removes a small glass jar with a brownish liquid in it.
Natalie: Hm…'kay.
[11:43-11:53] Caught carefully sets down the water and pulls a bag of candy out of the coffin. Natalie coughs.
Caught: "Just Eat It."…Haha! No?
[11:54-11:56] Caught returns to the coffin.
Caught: Geez, what the hell is…what is that…?
[11:56-12:09] Caught removes a black book from the coffin. He flips through the pages to reveal they are empty, but the edges are burned.
Caught: Uh-huh…
Natalie: Nice…
[12:09-12:15] Caught closes the book, and shows the camera a scratched in figure of what appears to be the Slender man.
Caught: What the h…Huh…
Natalie: Awesome.
Caught: Yeah, that's "awesome".
[12:16-12:38] Caught drops the book, but Natalie picks it up again. Caught coughs and continues rooting through the coffin.
Natalie: Wait, let me see that.
Caught: Lighters and…
Natalie: So…
Caught: Pliers and…more tapes.
Natalie: You're like…totally insane, right?
Caught: I'm sorry?
Natalie: Hmm…
[12:39-12:44] Natalie drops the book.
Caught: What was that?
Natalie: Hm.
[12:44-12:52] Caught removes a box of matches.
Caught: Helper gave us burnt matches. 's useful.
Natalie: How kind of him.
[12:53-12:56] Caught drops the matches and removes a pair of large pliers.
[12:56-12:59] Caught suddenly turns on Natalie, rising.
Caught: I think it's time for you to leave.
[12:59-13:07] Caught grabs the camera and watches Natalie walk out the door.
Natalie: 'kay…
[13:08-13:13] Black screen, white text. "I will stat listening to the these tapes, and update if anything comes out of it. HOAXStation has suggested I go back to the woods, and investigate the places marked by the child drawn map. It looks like that is the next logical step.
[13:14-13:16] Screen goes black, video ends.