[0:00-0:05] Caught is sitting on the floor in front of his door. He sits staring off screen.
[0:06-1:06] Caught sighs and leans back.
Caught: So. Uh…I don't know what to do. It's been a few days since…going back to that damn kitchen and seeing…what I can not explain. Now, apparently I've pissed him off 'cause he's gone. Nothing's gotten better, in fact, things have gotten a little worse. I don't know what's going on.
[1:07-1:14] There is a tapping from behind the camera. Caught looks up and watches but nothing happens.
[1:14-1:43] Caught reaches down and picks up the picture he retrieved from the sink. He motions to the two kids in the photo.
Caught: That's me. Right there. I know that. I don't know who this is. But that right there. That's a little Caught.
[1:44-2:06] There is another tap. Caught sets down the camera to investigate.
[2:07-2:15] Caught sits down again and picks up the camera.
Caught: And it says "Come Home", in code, of course.
[2:16-2:28] There is a loud bang this time, presumably at the window. Caught drops the camera and investigates.
Caught: What the…?
[2:29-2:32] Caught picks up the camera, turns off his light and exits the apartment.
[2:33-2:47] Cut to outside. Caught continues down the street.
Caught: I'm sick of this ridiculous…people, knocking on my windows and crap…What's going on? I'm serious. I'm so tired of…whoa…
[2:48-2:53] Caught turns the camera. A hooded figure carrying a violin case can be seen at the base of the street.
Caught: Who the hell…? Who the hell is that? Hey!
[2:54-2:57] Caught's yell causes the figure to start walking out of view. Caught follows.
Caught: Hey, dick! Hey!
[2:58-3:02] Caught drops the camera to his side and starts to run after the figure.
[3:03-3:16] Caught rounds the corner. There is the back door to a building and a large SUV but no figure. Caught looks around him. A police siren starts to sound in the background.
[3:17-2:29] Caught looks down and sees the violin case on the ground. He kicks it over and looks around.
[2:30-3:33] A noise startles Caught. He turns to reveal the hooded figure looming at him. The hooded figure smashed Caught into the wall and the camera drops.
[3:34-3:39] The siren is extremely loud, nearby. The violin case is in view.
[3:40-3:55] The figure steps into frame and drops a brick in front of the camera. He kneels and begins to sort through the violin case.
[3:56-4:09] The figure walks out of frame, towards Caught. The sound of a bag being opened and a belt tightened can be heard.
[4:10-4:12] The figure picks up the camera, we see Caught, unconscious, with a bag over his head.
[4:13-4:14] The figure pulls Caught up and leans him against the wall.
[4:15-4:19] Caught starts to stir.
[4:20-4:27] The figure slams Caught's head against the wall, ensuring he's unconscious.
[4:28-4:36] The figure grabs Caught by the ankle and drags him off.
[4:37-4:40] The screen goes black and white text appears. "Rule #2"
[4:41-4:43] Below that: "Alone we are weak, together We risk further feeding the beast.
[4:44-4:48] The text changes. "Footage Captured: 8/8/11".
[4:48-4:53] A busy tone plays, the text reads "Await further instruction". Video ends.