For this Task A chosen few have been given the keys, to unlock this ruse.
above all, it would do them best to remember the rules.
Know truly though your chosen few, will make nothing of their answers, without the rest of you.
That here, simple indeed the hidden truth, but will be lost to all but a few,
listen close, make your minds anew.
It is to this that we should blame our fate, for it was here, a place in our minds he began to make.
A yarn drawn long, to tell a tale not yet told, a man possibly driven mad by war,
a notebook passed between friends, telling horrors, and warnings you foolishly ignored.
It was here your fate was indeed foretold unfinished, the authors of the book were taken, killed, no more.
what is this thing of which I speak, when you know, you will have the basis for your chosen few to save this sheep
For caught to be freed, look to your chosen few, combined together under the answer hidden here, they hold the answer to the question:
Rule #3 was uploaded by 1AmTheHelp3r on August 16th, 2011. It is 1:30 minutes long.
1AmTheHelp3r outlines exactly what the fans must do to release Caught. The fan community is given a riddle, along with three riddles given to specific people, which, when combined, outine the answer to the question "What does he do?"
[0:00-0:03] Black screen, white letters reading "Rule #3".
[0:04-0:08] Below that appears "To be alone, is to rest in an uncovered grave."
[0:09-0:10] The screen goes black.
[0:11-0:18] The camera is zoomed in on Caught's hands, which are hand-cuffed.
[0:18-0:21] Audio is lost.
[0:22-0:24] The screen goes dark.
[0:24-0:27] Cut to a wide shot of the room. Caught is slumped against an uncovered mattress. In the middle of the screen a blonde doll is seated in a chair.
[0:28] The doll begins to speak.
Doll: For this task…
[0:29-0:31] The screen cuts to black with white letters "1. TheLadnek 2. WesternWhiteWolf 3. Xuchilvith
Doll: A chosen few have been given the keys, to unlo-
[0:31-0:32] The audio cuts out.
[0:32] Cut to an extreme close up shot of the doll. She is on the left side of the screen.
[0:33-0:35] Audio returns
Doll: -ck this ruse. Above all…
[0:36-0:45] Cut to a different close-up of the doll. She is centered.
Doll: …it would do them best to remember the rules.Know truly though your chosen few, will make nothing of their answers, without the rest of you. That here, simple indeed the hidden truth…
[0:46-0:47] The camera pulls away
[0:47-0:55] Another close up of the doll. She is again on the left, though more centered.
Doll: but will be lost to all but a few, listen close, make your minds anew. It is to this that we should blame our fate, for it was here…
[0:56-1:12] Cut to a close up shot of the doll centered. The camera zooms in and out.
Doll: a place in our minds he began to make. A yarn drawn long, to tell a tale not yet told, a man possibly driven mad by war, a notebook passed between friends, telling horrors, and warnings you foolishly ignored. It was here your fate was indeed foretold unfinished…
[1:12-1:18] Cut to a different close up of the doll, on the left side.
Doll: the authors of the book were taken, killed, no more. What is this thing of which I speak?
[1:19-] Cut to a full shot of the room. Caught is sitting, bag over his head, handcuffed. His thumbs are moving. The doll is on the right. The whole video is black and white.
Doll: when you know, you will have the basis for your chosen few to save this sheep. For caught to be freed, look to your chosen few…
[1:26-1:30] Cut to a color close up of the doll, the camera zooms out.
Doll: combined together under the answer hidden here, they hold the-
[1:30] The video cuts off abruptly with the black and white message "What does he do?"
For this Task A chosen few have been given the keys, to unlock this ruse.
above all, it would do them best to remember the rules.
Know truly though your chosen few, will make nothing of their answers, without the rest of you.
That here, simple indeed the hidden truth, but will be lost to all but a few,
listen close, make your minds anew.
It is to this that we should blame our fate, for it was here, a place in our minds he began to make.
A yarn drawn long, to tell a tale not yet told, a man possibly driven mad by war,
a notebook passed between friends, telling horrors, and warnings you foolishly ignored.
It was here your fate was indeed foretold unfinished, the authors of the book were taken, killed, no more.
What is this thing of which I speak, when you know, you will have the basis for your chosen few to save this sheep
For caught to be freed, look to your chosen few, combined together under the answer hidden here, they hold the answer to the question:
"What does he do?"
This element outlines the rules of the riddle (i.e. that specific fans have been given elements of the riddle to solve as well) and a basis for how the riddle is to be solved. With the combined answers of the individual riddles, together, the main riddle will be a base point for solving the question as a whole, which is "What does he do". This is the answer the whole riddle must boil down to.
The riddle itself is fairly straight-forward. Given a slight knowledge of the Slender-verse, fans should be, and were, quickly able to to deduce that the riddle was referring to "Just Another Fool", a Slender-blog. Specifically, the one of the very first Slender-blogs and a definer of the genre. The plot follows a young "Logan" who's friend Matt had returned from the Iraq war with severe PTSD. Matt commits suicide and leaves his belongings to Logan, along with a moleskin notebook, recently filled with images of Slender man. Eventually Logan vanishes.
Firstly, because TheLadnek is listed as number one, we must assume that his riddle part is first.
The Ladnek released their part of the riddle on Slendernation on August 16th.
You are one of a chosen few. You hold a key when combined with rule #3's clue, and the answers of the other chosen two. Because alone he would never prevail, It is necessary to test all of you. To save Caught's life you will have to work as a unit, to fail, will mean his death. I promise this to be true.
pay close attention to the story before your eyes. within are hidden truths and deceit, disguised. above all things understand this truth, nothing NOTHING is more relevant then the rules.
You are a shopkeeper, unable to supply your family with food. In an attempt to save your lot, some of your family of stealing, you accuse. You line up in a row, all gagged and bound,
JimCashFan, weeeemrfancy, w00tT3hNinj4, and GrungePixie
You start with JimCashFan, but you let them live, not the same for weeeemrfancy who you accuse, without a thought the guards drive a spear through their spine, you do the same to w00tT3hNinj4, they die in a moments time, then GrungePixie who you enjoy, and thus leave alive, reap your rewards after paying the kings tax of one-hundred eighty-five.
You have seven days to solve this tale, if you fail you will be ejected, dead to us, no avail.
Now. The subtle hint regarding rules clues in the solver that Help3r's rules will be a part of the riddle. Secondly, 1AmTheHelp3r invokes specific Youtube Users, all CaughtNotSleeping subscribers in his riddle; JimCashFan, weeeermrfancy, w00tT3hNinj4, and GrungePixie.
The Rules delivered to these viewers are
JimCashFan -Rule#777 He likes creatives. Lay low. Don't think of him.
weeeermrfancy - Rule#193 Animals can sense him.
w00tT3hNinj4 - Rule# 621 even the most insane suggestions are valid.
For the explained solution, look at TheLadneks Solution.
WesternWhiteWolf released their part of the riddle on Slendernation on August 16th
A Chosen Few. You are one of a chosen few. You hold a key when combined with rule #3's clue, and the answers of the other chosen two. Because alone he would never prevail, It is necessary to test all of you. To save Caught's life you will have to work as a unit, to fail, will mean his death. I promise this to be true.
pay close attention to the story before your eyes. within are hidden truths and deceit, disguised. above all things understand this truth, nothing NOTHING is more relevant then the rules.
You have been accused of a most horrible crime, to live, you must sacrifice some friends, you find. you gather together all in a line,
Mesay20yr, blauvray, HOAXstation, and checkervalentine.
first you look at Mesay20yr, who you keep, for they are useful, sturdy and proud, but you kill BLauvray, and HOAXstation, without a blink or a frown, finally you let live checkervalentine a final mistake, a irreversible fault, now look at what your left with, know it to be true, if it were only one half less, you would have been spared too.
You have seven days to solve this tale, if you fail you will be ejected, dead to us, no avail.
Rule #'s
Mesay20yr - Rule# 77 Google is a powerful tool, but a dangerous one for it could make one think of him.
blauvray - Rule # 53 heart rate up, don't look back, he is always behind you.
HOAXstation - Rule #33 hatred can be useful. It is ok not to like things.
checkervalentine - Rule # 17 do not feed those who feed the beast. STOP helping RoivasSevil.
For the Full Solution, look at TheLadneks Solution
Xuchilvith released their part of the riddle on August 16th on Slendernation.
You who have helped RoivasSevil gain a door into our hearts, I give you one chance to remove your dark mark.
You are one of a chosen few. You hold a key when combined with rule #3's clue, and the answers of the other chosen two. Because alone he would never prevail, It is necessary to test all of you. To save Caught's life you will have to work as a unit, to fail, will mean his death.
I promise this to be true. pay close attention to the story before your eyes. within are hidden truths and deceit, disguised. above all things understand this truth, nothing NOTHING is more relevant then the rules.
You are to bury your family lost to a great plague, your family, lay rotting, all in a line
pepperxiii, WesternWhiteWolf , spacegodzilla360, and TheJewels1991
You make a big ditch, to toss them inside, you start with pepperxiii, then WesternWhiteWolf, then spacegodzilla360, all in time. you find yourself unable to add TheJewels1991 to the hole, for they were your most cherished of them all, sharing a room with you, for so many years, this friend you did truly adore, the two of you had made so many sweet memories in the building marked dash one-hundred fifty four
You have seven days to solve this tale, if you fail you will be ejected, dead to us, no avail
Rule #'s
pepperxiii - Rule#777 He likes creatives. Lay low. Dont think of him.
WesternWhiteWolf - Rule#803 Bonds are immeasurably valuable. Keep your sister close, Keep him away.
spacegodzilla360 - Rule#641 Hiding in the virtual world can help keep you from thinking of him. but it slows your response.
TheJewels1991 - Rule#58 Those with friends he knows, are next to go. Be careful Julie.
The Solution
This one is slightly trickier. The previous two riddles involved killing, or letting live various people. In this puzzle they are already dead, but think of it, rather, as adding to the grave, and subtracting from it.
Now, add everything together.
The basis riddle: Just Another Fool
The three number riddles in order, 12-4-2009
This comes out to a date. Go to the Just Another Fool blog, and on that date is written "He digs".
He Digs
GrungePixie messaged 1AmTheHelp3r on August 18th, 2011, with the message "Smile" and the infamous of Logan covering his eye and grinning. Help3r responded "Good job. Five days remain."
The puzzle was untimely solved by YouTube User Xuchilvith on August 19th, Three days and 20 hours after the original riddle was posted. Help3r immediately posted a pardon on her account, as well as congratulations on several other user accounts, who were vital to solving the riddle.
Fan Interaction
Three fans were specifically called out to solve the puzzle, TheLadnek, WesternWhiteWolf, and Xuchilvith. Xuchilvith's private message is notable for the extra warning that 1AmTheHelp3r did not trust Xuchilvith after her work in solving RoivasSevil codes.
GrungePixie was also specifically communicated with after announcing that she would "Sit back and watch", Help3r sent her a warning reading "Be aware, all you who sit back and watch from afar, this is your responsibility as well, if caught is slain, his blood will be on your hands too. Rule# 41: Those who depend fully on the work of others for salvation, are but cattle for his slaughter."
Confirmed Theories
Working Theories and Observations
It was never made explicitly clear what would happen if the puzzle remained unsolved after seven days, but it was generally assumed that, should that happen, Help3r would kill Caught.
There was a brief discussion on Slendernation regarding contacting RoivasSevil and what consequences this might invoke. The riddle was solved before such action was taken.
It's probably worth noting that at 0:48, we can see 1AmTheHelp3r sat on the bed behind the doll. However the camera is still in front of the doll, and slightly shaking as if being held by someone. This someone may have been Caught forced to hold the camera, but what could perhaps be more likely (considering Caught's condition in shots shortly after this moment), is that 1AmTheHelp3r does not work alone, that someone else could have been holding the camera at this time.
Further Speculation
If the landlord is Help3r then maybe Caught is in that creepy basement apartment that was abandoned. I think the landlord might be a stretch too though. Since we've only seen him once, what other stake does he have in this or in Caught? ~ Crusergirl on Slendernation
This doll seems to have particular importance. Not sure why. ~ The Archivist
Well, H3LPER seems to be giving the vibe that he's on Slendy's side.
Maybe he's trying to get us to understand why Slendy is so great? Or why he kills off people who know about him? ~ Blue Eyes on Slendernation