Rule #5: Some things are meant to be lost.
You are in the dark place Natalie, you are now a liability.
If I cannot contain the infection, I will purge it.
Previous: G-1467 - Next: Rule #6
Rule #5 was uploaded by 1AmTheHelp3r on January 4th, 2013. It is 2:01 minutes long.
1AmTheHelp3r returns to Natalie's childhood home and purportedly discovers something. He warns Natalie to remain in the Dark Place, and destroys her old house.
Additional Information
Natalie's Home
The Home seen in Rule #5 seems to be Natalie's childhood home from "Running". This is supported by the door and the presence of her childhood photos, which have also appeared previously. The presence of the dated VHS tapes and the papers, taken by 1AmTheHelp3r have yet to be explained
Confirmed Theories
Working Theories and Observations
Further Speculation
There's a chance that Helper might not be a proxy; he/she (anyone know Helper's gender?) seems to be fixated on destroying the 'infection', aka Slendy's influence. However, I agree that fire is often associated with Slendy. and the proxies. ~ DollFaceless on YouTube
Well, whatever he found must be something HUGE from his point of view. I mean… whatever it collectively was, was enough to switch him from "Help3r Containment Mode" to quite possibly "Help3r Terminator Mode". ~ Paradox on SlenderNation