[0:00-0:11] Screen is dark. A computerized command window opens. There is slight distortion as a cursor types out:
root@wxv4fs:"$ play -bg r? .m4a
root@wxv4fs:"$ sshow -o Infected/Dossier
[0:12-] Music begins to play. A series of windows containing files opens on the screen. The files contain images with censored eyes, and redacted info. Among the 25+ images are Caught, Natalie, Scott and others. There is slight distortion.
[0:14] Heavy visual distortion fills the frame
[0:15-0:16] Video shows a door opening into what appears to be a darkened motel room. A window is in the distance.
[0:17-0:20] Cut back to the command window. A third line is added.
root@wxv4fs:"$ The disease is spreading.
[0:21-0:25] Cut back to the motel room. A hand flips a light switch, but the room remains dark. The camera turns back to the window and moves towards it.
[0:26-0:29] Cut back to the command window. A forth line is added.
root@wxc4fs:"& The majority of the victims are taken.
[0:30-0:35] Cut back to the motel room, the camera operator moves towards the window, and comes around a wall.
[0:36-0:38] Around the wall, standing over a bed, is The Slender Man. There is visual distortion. The Slender Man turns towards the camera and slowly grows.
[0:38-0:43] The camera cuts to a camera operator looking out a bus window. The camera looks towards a construction site as the bus travels down a road. There is slight visual distortion.
[0:44] Heavy visual distortion
[0:45] The Slender Man appears in the distance, in an open field.
[0:46-0:49] Distortion lessens, the bus continues. Several residential houses are seen.
[0:50] Heavy visual distortion as The Slender Man is seen standing down a street
[0:51-0:57] Distortion and Slender Man vanish as the bus continues. The camera operator turns. There is slight distortion.
[0:58] The Slender Man is seen outside.
[0:59-1:02] The camera operator turns back to the other side of the bus.
[1:03-] There is heavy visual distortion as the camera turns back to the center of the bus, Slender Man can be seen standing on the bus, reaching towards the camera.
[1:05-1:08] Cut to an alleyway at night. The camera looks around and continues down the ally.
[1:09-1:11] The camera falls backwards, looking up.
[1:11-1:16] The camera operator falls forward. His hand can be seen grabbing at the ground as they are pulled backwards.
[1:16-1:19] The camera flips over. Feet can be seen lying on the ground, and kicking as they are pulled forward towards the Slender Man.
[1:19-1:35] Cut back to the computer screen. There is a new command window. There is slight distortion
root@wxv4fs:"$ In some cases the individuals are not taken.
root@wxv4fs:"$ Inevitably, these "unstable" infected experience heightened paranoia and aggression.
root@wxv4fs:"$ They are violent, and dangerous
root@wxv4fs:"$ play -r unstables_07.ogg
[1:36] There is a burst of visual distortion
[1:37-1:38] Cut to black and white security camera footage of two men running down an alley. There is heavy visual distortion. At the bottom right hand corner a heading is typed onto the screen:
Footage recovered from case 14
9th Street killings: Brendon Curt
Status: Deceased
[1:39-1:45] Cut to a different camera. The victim can be seen lying on the ground while the 9th Street Killer hits him with a blunt instrument and kicks him. There is heavy visual distortion as the camera switches between close and distant frames. The killer spits and walks away.
[1:46] Cut to a dark room, with red lights. There are a series of frames showing a mechanical device
[1:47] A fast panning shot of pictures hanging from a line.
[1:47] An above shot of Dark Room leaning over a victim with a large mechanical device over his head.
[1:48-1:52] Dark Room can be seen typing on a computer. Behind her is the victim, he is tied to a chair, with several large wires rising from the contraption on his head. A heading is typed on the screen:
Footage recovered from case 22
Emily "Dark Room" Fisher
Status: Deceased
[1:52-2:00] As Dark Room closes the laptop, several time-lapse images of Dark Room moving around the room occur, fading in and out. She is seen checking the hanging pictures and checking the victim's restraints.
[2:01-2:08] Audio of the victim can be heard above the music, gasping. Dark Room leans over the victim, putting her head against the contraption.
Dark Room: Shh…
Victim: Please let me go…
Dark Room: You'll be okay.
Victim: No…Let me go…
[2:08-2:13] Slight time-lapse as Dark Room steps backwards, checks the machine, waves at the victim and holds up a switch.
[2:14-2:23] There is a loud electrical hum as the lights flicker and the victim stiffens. Dark Room picks up a camera and takes a picture.
[2:23] Burst of distortion.
[2:24] There are several frames of ripples in water.
[2:25-2:38] The camera cuts to a woman walking out into a lake. The camera looks around at the surrounding trees. In the bottom left corner a heading is typed onto the screen:
Footage recovered from case 38
Rachel Foss
Status: Institutionalized
[2:39-2:43] The camera zooms in on Rachel walking out into the water. A man stands on shore.
[2:43] Visual Distortion
[2:44-2:51] Cut to the man walking out into the water. Rachel raises her hand to him and he takes it. T
[2:51-3:00] Slight visual distortion as Rachel and the man hug. After a moment, Rachel pushes the man underwater and holds him there as he drowns. There is distortion as the camera shakes.
[3:00] There are series of hidden frames, including an image of flowers and pages of a script.
[3:01] Cut to a dark room with a night-vision camera. In the foreground there is a table with several sharp instruments. Beyond that is a girl tied to a chair and gagged. There is some visual distortion.
[3:02-3:09] The Showtime Killer pushes another chair onscreen, on which is tied another woman who appears to be unconscious. The first victim struggles, edging her chair backwards. The Showtime Killer approaches the table, lifting a hammer, then dropping it. In the bottom left corner a heading is typed onto the screen:
Footage recovered from the case 34
"The Show Time Killer"
Status: At large
[3:10-3:29] Cut to The Showtime Killer pushing the first victim's chair forward and tipping it back, causing her to scream. They pull her head back and steps in front of her, grabbing a pair of scissors. The Showtime Killer points the scissors towards the first victim's eyes. He opens the scissors
[3:30] There is heavy audio and visual distortion for a moment.
[3:30-3:38] Showtime is startled, slowly lowers the scissors, and walks away.
[3:39-3:58] A flicker of distortion. The first victim begins feeling around with her feet, reaching towards a box cutter on the floor. She grabs it, pulling it back.
[3:59-4:30] There is a flicker of distortion. Cut to the victim cutting her hands free. She drops the box cutter, removes her gag and begins feeling her way towards the camera, and taking it.
[4:30-4:57] With the camera, the first victim approaches the second, who is unconscious. She shakes her awake, causing her to scream, as she unties her hands.
Victim 1: Maya! Maya! Maya! Maya! Maya!
Victim 2: What? What happened?
Victim 1: Maya! Maya! Maya! Maya! Maya, Maya, It's me, ok? It's just me.
Victim 2: It's just me. It's just me. I'm right here. I'm right here.
[4:58-5:02] Cut to the Victims walking down a hallway lined with boxes.
Victim 1: I see a door, I see a door. I see a door!
Victim 2: Ok…
Victim 1: Ok! Ok! We're almost out…
[5:03-5:10] Slight cut, the victims continue walking. Victim 1 bumps into the wall. There is slight visual distortion.
Victim 1: Aw fuck! Ok…
[5:10-5:19] Audio fades as visual distortion increases. Victim 1 reaches for the door and opens it to a hallway lined with doors. The Slender Man can be seen walking towards the camera.
[5:20-5:29] Screen goes dark. A new command window opens, and music begins.
root@wxv4fs:"$ In all cases the disease appears at the scene.
root@wxv4fs:"$ sshow -d Sightings/images
[5:29] An image of The Slender Man standing on a city street at night, under a street lamp
[5:30] An image of Slender Man standing at the end of a wooded road
[5:30-5:31] An image of Slender Man walking in a wooded field
[5:31] An image The Slender Man standing under a street lamp in the distance beyond several trees.
[5:32] An image of the Slender Man crouching under a street lamp
[5:33-5:41] Cut back to the command window, further lines are added
root@wxv4fs:"$ A select few who encounter the disease appear to be resistant.
root@wxv4fs:"$ The sheep and I are among these few.
root@wxv4fs:"$ play -r education.ogg
[5:42] There is heavy distortion as many commands appear in the window.
[5:43-5:45] Cut to several close up shots of a wall covered in images and articles. Among the images are Caught's Landlord, the Butterflies, and the Slender Man. There are red threads connecting several of the papers.
[5:46-5:57] Cut to a shot of Caught sitting below the wall, handcuffed and barefoot, holding a paper. 1AmTheHelp3r steps into frame, dropping a box on the floor and kicking towards Caught. Caught drops the paper, flips 1AmTheHelp3r off, and picks up the box.
[5:58-6:05] Cut to a close up shot of the wall, the camera pulls back slowly to see Caught staring at the wall. The video fades to white and distorts.
[6:06-6:13] Cut back to the computer screen, there is a new command window.
root@wxv4fs:"$ play -r StevenGallowsKapinosFootage.ogg
[6:14-6:15] Fade into 1AmTheHelp3r walking at night. Caught holds the camera and follows behind. There is slight distortion.
[6:16-6:20] Slight cut. 1AmTheHelp3r turns towards the camera, revealing a cabin in the background. They continue towards it. Distortion
[6:21-6:38] Slight Cut. 1AmTheHelp3r stands in front of a glass door, motioning for Caught to stay back, he continues to past the door and around the house as Caught follows. There is distortion.
[6:39-6:51] Cut. 1AmTheHelp3r is inside the cabin. The walls are wooded and a bookshelf is in front of them, next to an opening. A finished record spins in the background as 1AmTheHelp3r comes around the shelves into the next room. 1AmTheHelp3r stops, setting down his violin and looking up.
[6:52-7:14] Caught turns the corner and sees a man hanging from the ceiling. 1AmTheHelp3r turns, opening the door and leaving. Caught takes a step after him, and stops.
Caught: No. Hey! No!
[7:15-7:30] Caught turns back to the hanging man and follows the rope up to a loft. He pans over to a ladder that leads up.
[7:31-7:36] Caught sets down the camera facing the hanging man and the fire place. There is some distortion.
[7:37-8:18] Caught picks up the camera and continues up the ladder into the loft, muttering decipherable. There are multiple beds and bare mattresses. He turns towards the railing and looks down at the hanging body below.
[8:19-8:36] Caught sets down the camera, facing towards the loft. Caught grabs a knife and begins cutting the rope. Behind him, a small door opens. The rope breaks, and the sound of the body dropping can be heard.
[8:37-8:42] Caught picks up the camera and approaches the railing when suddenly he is seemingly pushed over the railing.
[8:42-8:46] The screen goes dark.
[8:47-8:55] The camera distorts before turning back on. Caught is seen lying on the floor, unconscious. In the foreground is the body. The body is dragged away.
[8:56-9:13] The killer's feet enter the frame, standing next to caught before walking over to an upturned chair, righting it.
[9:14-9:19] Cut. Caught is sitting in the chair, a noose around his neck, and the wrap over a rafter. The killer enters frame, grabbing the rope and pull Caught upwards. In the bottom left corner a heading is typed onto the screen:
Case 42
Stephen Kapinos
[9:20-9:45] Caught gasps awake as he is pulled upright, standing and then stepping onto the chair.
Caught: No! No! S-Stop! Stop! H-he's-no! I know! He's always watching. He's in your head! All the time! You have to-
Killer: Shut up!
Caught: Don't! Killing me will not stop it! It will not stop it!
Killer: It will slow it down…
Caught: You will still be alone!
[9:46-9:49] There is a pause. 1AmTheHelp3r enters, knocking the Killer over, who releases the rope. Caught falls of the chair, coughing. Distortion increases.
Caught: No!
[9:50-10:05] 1AmTheHelp3r chokes the Killer, snapping his neck. He steps over the Killer, picking up Caught and setting him down on the chair as Caught cries.
[10:06-10:17] 1AmTheHelp3r takes the noose off of Caught's neck, lift him up and slapping him. Caught stops crying as 1AmTheHelp3r approaches the camera, picking it up.
[10:18-10:39] Cut back to the computer screen. There is a new command window:
root@wxv4fs:"$ If you are watching this. You are infected.
root@wxv4fs:"$ We are all infected.
root@wxv4fs:"$ Rule #7
root@wxv4fs:"$ You see him.
root@wxv4fs:"$ He sees you.
[10:40-11:01] Cut to a shot of a lake with an forested shore in the distance. There is a dock going out to the lake in the foreground. Caught walks down the dock smoking, away from the camera. He stumbles, and continues down the dock.
[11:02] Heavy visual distortion.
[11:03] Caught vanishes and The Slender Man can be seen at the end of the end of the dock. Video ends.