[0:00-0:05] Video is dark
[0:06-0:08] There is silent, grainy, black and white footage of a landscape moving past. This has been seen before in Willows Peak Tape.
[0:08-0:09] There is a quick flash of Slender Man standing in front of the door from 1472 Lansing Place: Five.
[0:10-0:12] Video returns to the moving landscape.
[0:13-0:14] Video changes to black and white footage of Natalie from "Natalie".
[0:15-0:23] Video returns to the landscape. Ringing distortion begins to sound. There are several short hidden frames.
[0:24] There are several shaky video cuts of the Happy Puppet Caught from "Aftermath"
[0:25-0:27] Return to the landscape.
[0:28-0:35] Audio distortion ceases as the video goes to color footage of the image of Slender Man far down the alley from 21129 21269 922518224.
[0:36-0:39] Audio starts over the footage.
Caught: Did you ever do something that…you knew wouldn't help…
[0:40] Cut to Natalie carrying the camera. She is outside near the entrance to the alley, walking towards it. There are four quick different cuts. The time-stamp reads 6/11/12
[0:41-1:08] Natalie is outside the alley, looking in. There are two slight cuts. She paces back and forth in front of the entrance.
Natalie: Tools. Tools? Really? In the alley…in the alley.
[1:09] There is a momentary visual tear
[1:10-1:40] Natalie enters the alley slightly before retreating several times.
Natalie: This is just…Oh God. Eh. I don't even see anything out there. Eh. So stupid everything…ah. I jus-no. I…no.
[1:41-1:45] Audio cuts out as Natalie leaves the alleyway and hurries back down the street.
[1:46-2:04] Cut to Natalie driving through a wooded residential area. The time-stamp reads 6/16/12
[2:05-2:34] It's dark, Natalie sits in her car crying. The time-stamp reads 7/23/12
Natalie: 'cause…God…Um. I lied. I thought-
[2:35-3:07] Cut. It's nighttime, Natalie turns off her car and gets out, grabbing the camera. The time-stamp reads 8/13/12.
[3:08-3:19] Natalie shines her flashlight up, revealing a house, which she begins to approach.
[3:20-3:44] Cut, Natalie is closer to the house, She approaches a decrepit door. There is a knocking sound. Natalie turns away and unlocks the door.
[3:45-4:26] Cut, Natalie is indoors. She shines a flashlight at a door reading "N-talie". She opens the door, sets down the flashlight and looks around.
[4:27-4:49] Natalie sets down the camera on a dresser top. In view are several childhood photos, a portable tape player and a tipped over snow globe. Natalie picks up the snow globe and sets it upright before examining and opening the tape player.
[4:50-5:34] Natalie moves around off screen, finding another tape player, and a hummed version of "You Are my Sunshine begins to play. She reaches back in frame and takes a picture with her.
[5:35-5:38] Natalie picks up the camera, looks at the boom box on the bed, and tosses the picture towards it.
[5:39-6:29] Natalie turns towards a picture collage on the wall, examining it before looking away. Natalie turns around and moves things off the top of a chest. Setting down the camera, she rummages around before removing something.
[6:30-6:47] Natalie walks across the room, sets the camera and sits on the floor, Looking through a box of photos.
[6:47] There is a quick flash of the room, but in different lighting. A woman sits on the bed humming to a figure under the covers.
[6:47-6:52] The video flickers back and forth several times as the music becomes more pronounced.
[6:52-6:56] The video switches fully to the woman on the bed. There are several small changes to the room, such as stuffed animals and additional furniture.
[6:56] The video flickers
[6:57-7:05] The video continues
[7:06-7:15] The tape stops, cutting back to Natalie sitting on the ground. She looks back at the tape player, turning, and giving it a slap to try and restart the music.
[7:16-7:25] The music begins again but seems to be coming from outside. Natalie rises and grabs the camera.
[7:26-7:44] Cut to Natalie outside, she shines her flashlight through tall grass, the music continues.
[7:45-7:48] The flashlight fades out.
Natalie: Come on…work.
[7:48-7:58] The flashlight comes back on as Natalie continues searching.
Natalie: Work…
[7:59-8:05] The flashlight again fades out.
Natalie: Come on.
[8:06-8:14] The flashlight comes back on.
[8:15-8:17] The flashlight fades out and heavy audio distortion replaces the music.
[8:18] The flashlight comes back on revealing The Slender Man standing in the grass.
[8:19] There are a flurry of images including the Puppet Caughts, Natalie looking down the alley from "Natalie", Natalie sitting in her car, among other things.
[8:20-8:35] The screen goes dark.
[8:36-8:43] Video returns to Natalie sitting in her car crying, from earlier footage.
Natalie: I though…I could…fix it?
[8:43-8:44] Video cuts to Natalie lying in the tall grass.
[8:45-8:56] Video returns to Natalie in the car.
Natalie: I dunno. I thought maybe I could…
[8:57] Video cuts to Natalie lying in the grass, she rises slightly.
[8:58-9:05] Cut to Natalie in the car. Audio distortion begins.
Natalie: -be strong or…something.
[9:06-9:08] Cut back to Natalie in the grass, audio continues to play over the footage. She rises slightly, holding her head.
[9:09-9:17] Cut to Natalie in the car.
Natalie: I'm not a brave person. I've been trying to be…
[9:18-9:20] Cut back to Natalie in the grass, the audio continues over-top. Natalie sits up, holding her head, and looks back at the camera.
Natalie: And I'm not.
[9:21-9:26] Cut back to the car footage.
Natalie: I'm a coward. I-
[9:27-9:29] Cut to Natalie lying in the grass. She looks towards the camera and moves towards it slightly.
Natalie: -can't fight that anymore, I'm-
[9:29-9:34] Cut back to the car.
Natalie: I can't…do this. I can't…
[9:35-9:44] Cut back to Natalie in the grass. She reaches for the camera and is suddenly pulled backwards into the underbrush. The video fades slowly to distortion then darkness.
Natalie: I can't do this.
[9:45-9:52] Cut back to the car.
Natalie: I'm sorry.
[9:53-9:58] Video is dark. Audio distortion plays over-top.
[9:58-10:25] Cut back to the grass. Video begins to lighten as Natalie runs out of the underbrush, picks up the camera and begins to run.
[10:26-10:39] Natalie approaches the house and opens the back door.
[10:40-10:47] The door opens to Caught's apartment. The time-stamp reads 8/14/12. Caught sits on the couch staring blankly. Audio distortion is gone.
[10:48-11:10] Natalie looks around in disbelief.
Natalie: What?
[11:11-11:15] Natalie looks back at Caught, who continues staring blankly. Video ends.