[0:00-0:03] Black screen, white numbers: "9/6/11".
[0:03-0:11]Natalie and Caught sit on a couch, Natalie is close to the camera, and Caught is slumped back, on a computer, ignoring the conversation.
Natalie: I just wanted to check in with everybody, tell you we're all ok. Uh, after the last video, we're just kinda…unsettled. A little nervous. Um…
[0:11-0:39] Slight cut, same shot.
Natalie: That room? That we went to…with the…the monitors? It had all these, these speakers in it? And there was that, that mirror, with the…with the…the…"you can't"…
Caught: I can't, I can't hear you, you can't get me. I can't hear you, you can't get me. It was clever.
Natalie: Yeah, t'heh…So, we're thinkin' that this? (raises Runner's Journal) has to do with the people who used to live there.
[0:40-1:53] Slight cut. Same shot.
Natalie: Um, there's been a few suggestions that maybe Caught should be filmin' himself when he sleeps. So, I've, I've convinced him that he needs to be filming himself when he sleeps.
Caught: 'Cause that's gonna solve all my problems. Become like a complete paranoid psychopath and filming myself while I sleep. That'll make things better.
Natalie: You know, We don't really know, how…they got those videos of him, if they were him. Uh. We don't know what they meant. It's probably just a good idea to be keeping an eye on ourselves as much as possible. So, he's gonna film himself, and we're gonna see what happens. Um, people have been saying that might shed some light on stuff. Uh, I wanna thank, uhm, Grungepixie, and…and Mesay, and, uh…a few of the other users…Minorcupcakes, uhm, just, who've been giving us some good ideas…
Caught: Scion…
Natalie: ScionoftheTree…uh, they've been giving us some suggestions, it's been really helpful…uhm, you know, if you guys could keep that up, give us an idea of where we're headed, you seem to have some idea, maybe…maybe you're going through the same thing, I don't know. Uh…
[1:54-1:57] Black Screen, white text: "Night One".
[1:58-2:20] Caught is falling asleep, he adjusts his head and then begins to clearly nod off. His head drops.
[2:20-2:41] Caught's eyes open, he lifts up his head and stares at the ceiling. There is a mechanical background noise.
[2:42-2:46] Black Screen, White Text: "I stare at the ceiling like this for several hours. Eventually I wake, feeling as usual like I have no slept."
[2:47-2:49] Text changes: "Night Two."
[2:49-3:02] Caught lays down. He adjusts the camera,
[3:03-3:48] Cut slightly. Caught is now lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He starts to grind his teeth. They can be heard clacking.
[3:48-3:52] Black Screen, white text. "Six hours pass before I wake up."
[3:53-4:24] Caught looks at himself in the mirror, there is the sound of water running. Caught rubs his gums, which are bloody. He pans down to the sink, into which he spits blood, watching it drain down. He does this a few more times, glancing up at himself between each, before washing away the blood.
[4:24-4:29] Cut to black. White text: "Night Three."
[4:29-5:11] Caught is sitting in bed, eyes open, staring off screen. He raises his hand slowly and stares at it, turning it. He grips his ring and spins it on his finger. In the background is some kind of mechanical noise, and a squeaking or twittering noise.
[5:12-5:14] The color changes and there is an odd shadow in the frame. There are flashes of color and three quick cuts.
[5:14-5:20] Caught raises his hand slowly, It seems to be smoking.
[5:20] There is a flash of distortion.
[5:21-5:26] Caught continues staring at his smoking hand.
[5:26] The color deadens, and audio distortion begins. Caught begins to cough smoke.
[5:27] There is a quick cut, Caught's head position has changed.
[5:28-5:36] Caught is leaned back on his pillow, coughing. The video cuts repeatedly. And quickly speeds up as Caught coughs, racking his head back and forth.
[5:37-5:44] Video cuts. Caught lays back as the smoke slowly returns to his mouth and drifts back towards his hand off screen.
[5:45-5:54] Video returns to normal, Caught sits in bed, staring off screen.
[5:54-5:58] Black screen, white text: "Night Four."
[5:58-6:15] Caught sits, his arm wrapped around himself.
[6:16-6:31] Visual and audio distortion begins to increase.
[6:32-6:36] The camera begins to move and then falls over.
[6:36-7:15] The distortion ceases. Caught can be heard rising and then walking out the door.
[7:15-7:19] Black screen, white text: "Two hours pass."
[7:20-7:33] The camera stares at the ceiling. The door opens.
[7:34-7:57] A hand comes into frame, and lifts the camera. 1AmTheHelp3r's breathing can be heard. He rights the camera and adjusts it's angle.
[7:58-8:04] 1AmTheHelp3r's hand enters frame and leaves a note on Caught's pillow.
[8:05-8:16] 1AmTheHelp3r can be heard moving around.
[8:17-8:18] A shadow crosses frame.
[8:18-8:33] 1AmTheHelp3r can be heard leaving.
[8:34-8:43] Black screen, white text. "The scrap of paper fits as a piece torn from the page labeled "day 17" from the diary found at 925 Cranbrook Dr. It reads "gone to that house, at least to see what that psycopath wanted. it would be better then waiting around here to go NO we are fine we are FINE. Everything is fine. 1472 Lansing Place.""
[8:44-8:49] Text Changes: "1AmTheHelp3r must understand what is happening tome. I do not know what else to do. I am going to this "house"." Video ends.