[0:00-0:16] Caught is sitting against the window. He appears tired, and distraught. The room is darkened.
Caught: Ok…so…*clears throat and sighs* Alright…
[0:17-3:23] Video cuts slightly. The video lags and blurs periodically.
Caught: I thought maybe…with the marks, on the floor in the apartment…I thought maybe it was this place…you know…but…it's so much worse outside this house…Well..I guess I'll go back a little bit. So, I just got home. But I made my way back here. And Rovias, that…that response…it was playing on repeat. On the computer. And…the doors, my door isn't damaged or anything. I dunno how…I guess…hm…You're right. I don't know how you know. I don't know…I don't know how you know. You just completely right. I've…I've been seeing him…since before the incident in the alley.
[3:24-4:28] Video cuts slightly.
Caught: I started seeing him…I started trying to catch it on film just so I could make sure I was actually seeing what I was seeing, but almost every time I'd get it on film…it'd either just be broken up beyond being able to see what was on the screen or there'd be nothing on it at all. I have one of the only bits of footage that I, that I've captured, with him actually visible. I'll go ahead and play that now…
[4:29-4:42] Video cuts to outside, an earlier time. Caught is walking and swinging the camera around. He is muttering to himself. The video segment is much louder than the vlog.
Caught: I just heard like a ton of birds. Just a bunch of 'em. Just, like, outta nowhere. Just tons and tons of…crows and I was here the other day and I didn't have the camera and they were just everywhere, just all over that ro…
[4:43] Audio cuts out for a second.
[4:43] Caught continues
[4:44] Video repeats itself three time, panning over a house.
[4:45-4:46] Audio cuts out.
[4:47-4:48] Caught continues, turning towards an alley.
Caught: I dunno, it's hazy…
[4:49-4:50] Video and sound distort for a moment, slowing down.
[4:51-5:01] Caught continues, heading down the alley.
Caught: 's stupid. Um, there's no birds here now. Just make *removed* look like an idiot. No "Slender man"
[5:02-5:04] Caught drops the camera to his side and we pan across a building side with windows.
Caught: Well now…
[5:04-5:05] White noise distortion suddenly starts as Caught nears and walks past an open window. Inside we can see the Slender man illuminated by a hall light.
[5:06-5:18] Caught continues speaking as the distortion subsides and he exits the alley to a building front.
Caught: …hundreds of birds hanging out on rooftops for no reason, 'cept in the movie "The Birds". Eh, there's nothing here, there's nothing, hid…First…
[5:19-5:30] Caught drops the camera to his side and climbs wooden porch steps, enters the front door, and continues walking down the hall.
Caught: *muttering* birds…
[5:31] Caught passes a window, and Slender man can be seen peering in from the outside.
Caught: Birds hanging out…
[5:32-5:41] Caught continues down the hall, swinging the camera at his side.
[5:42-5:54] Cut back to Caught in the chair as the video clip ends. The audio is quiet.
Caught: And when I first got back, through one of the kitchen entrances, one of the first things I saw…were these…this in the sink…
[5:55-5:59] A still image of a red operator symbol in a sink.
[6:00-6:04] Another angle of the symbol.
[6:05-6:09] Another angle.
[6:10-7:35] Cut back to Caught.
Caught: Smelled…like honey or something…so it's not like somebody killed someone but…I don't know why this is happening…and I don't know what to do. There are people who know more about this than I do. I need your help…I'm sorry, I lied. I just didn't want to believe it was real. There's not really much denying it now. To, um…CheckersValentine, I'm sorry. Thank you for trying to help. And helping me to understand this Roivas. I don't know who this is or why they're contacting me…they seem to know something I don't.
[7:36-8:01] Video cuts.
Caught: I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce your name but…Ex…uchi…vith, who apparently decoded the Roiv, this Roivas video…
[8:02-9:45] Video cuts
Caught: I can feel him…All the time…I can feel…it watching me. I can hear it, but there's no voice. I can feel it's eyes but there's no face…I don't know what to do…Please help me. I need this to end…
Video Ends.