[0:00-0:02] Camera rattles as Caught turns it. He is walking outside, holding the camera so it looks up at him as he walks. It's clearly night.
[0:03-0:20] Caught begins to speak, he is sarcastic and clearly displeased.
Caught: See I had to, um, go back home and get my camera for this one. You guys worked so hard messing with me, I mean, I don't wanna let you down and not show everybody. Show the world. Let's get famous! Let's mess with *silenced* and make it, uh, make it a big joke.
[0:20-0:25] He tilts the camera back behind him and looks down the alley quickly. He tilts the camera back up at him before looking around the alley with it again.
Caught: funny, you know?
[0:26-0:29] Caught tilts the camera up again. But he continues glancing around the alley.
Caught: I was so horrified, you know, I just ran all the way home and…
[0:30-0:32] Caught aims the camera behind him, looking down the alley again.
[0:33-1:03] He resumes speaking and points the camera at himself but he is still looking around.
Caught: and, I mean I was so scared I could never come back here. I, I mean i-i-it's a horrifying time. I mean, I'm being haunted by the Slenderman you made. *he glances behind him*. Gotta be careful, you know, I'm so scared. Thanks. Thanks for giving me this thrill. Now I have a reason to live. Thanks a lot guys. Now that I'm down babbling I'm almost there. *glances behind him* I'm on my way home…and I…'m walking around, doing my, my own business. And I see this guy…here…
[1:04-1:13] he swings the camera around muttering for a moment. He has stopped walking.
Caught: *muttering* Just a second let me get the…meant to bring a flashlight, forgot the damn thing…Well, maybe the lighter…
[1:14-1:16] Camera rattles as he drops it to the cement. The view is straight down the alley, which is mostly dark but lit near the end. Caught's shadow crosses the screen.
[1:17-1:21] Camera rattles and the screen goes dark as Caught picks it up.
[1:22-1:29] He flicks on a lighter briefly and illuminates an Operator Symbol. The lighter blows out and the screen goes dark again.
Caught: It's one of our boys' marks. I read up about them last night (?).
[1:30-1:31] He glances down the alley and then turns to a wall, lighting the lighter again. A tiny Operator Symbol is illuminated.
Caught: You know, here's a little baby one. It's adorable.
[1:32-1:35] Screen is dark.
Caught: Get him. Big Bubba. On the wall.
[1:36-1:39] He quickly flicks on his lighter and reveals a few chalk lines.
Caught: Hello.
[1:40-1:54] He waves the camera around, giving the viewers several more shots of the alley.
Caught: Big guy…yeah. You know, hold on kids, there's more.
[1:55] He lights the lighter. It's another Operator symbol.
[1:56-2:18] He waves the camera around, back and forth from one side of the alley to the other.
Caught: Here…One over here…over here…one over there, over there, over there…This guy over here.
[2:19-] He walks over to a chain link fence against a wall and reveals an operator symbol on the other side of it.
Caught: Big guy. They're all like that. This side…
[2:22-2:27] The camera goes dark as he crosses the alley. He stops and tries to light his lighter but it won't ignite.
Caught: look…look ma, hey…
[2:28-2:34] The lighter lights and briefly two small Operator symbols are seen.
Caught: Congratulations…twins.
[2:35-2:50] Caught moves around the alley again. He walks over to the Operator symbol behind the fence again, and then down the alley.
Caught: I'll go back. Get the rest later. You are here…
[2:51-2:56] He lights the lighter and reveals an Operator symbol on the ground.
Caught: Beautiful, ain't it?…ouch.
[2:57-3:06] He starts to move again. He's speaking but the audio is garbled.
[3:06] He closes in on another operator symbol on the ground.
Caught: Big guy.
[3:07-3:20] He turns, and the camera looks down the alley, there is blue light at the far end of it.
Caught: well..
[3:21-3:38] He turns the camera back on himself.
Caught: Anyway…hope you had a good laugh, you know? It's Good stuff. I…really don't see the point, personally. I mean, you had your joke, you laughed around, good times. I guess…but…anyway…
[3:39-3:49] He turns the camera down the alley again, looks down the alley, and then drops the camera to his side as he walks away.//
[3:50-4:02] Cut to inside Caught's apartment as he turns the camera towards himself.
Caught: So. This is pretty freakin' funny. So, I get back from showing you guys what's in the alley, right? And I'm about to upload that and I'm setting that up and then I had to go to the bathroom so I go outside into the hall and I see this stuff.
[4:03-4:29] The camera turns towards the floor as the door creaks open. Caught starts to walk down the hall, which is littered with stuff.
Caught: Alright, now, keep in mind, none of this stuff was here when I came down this hall five minutes ago. Five minutes ago. Nothing. And…looks like some carpeting over there, here's some wrapped up carpeting on the ground. That's, nice. Some kinda door. Right? Nothing really that weird. Just some planks of wood. Oh, yeah, great, a nasty mattress. Good times. No, but then, there's this…
[4:30-4:43] Caught turns to a white door at the end of the hall which is slightly cracked open.
Caught: …door. Right? Yeah, um, which has been…I dunno, since I've been here. I've been here for a long time. It's, it's never been open, so…well, let's go ahead and just…check out…see what's in there…
[4:44-4:50] Caught pushes open the door to reveal a large operator symbol drawn on the floor of the whole room.
Caught: yeah. Yeah, that, that's real funny. That's real…
[4:51-5:20] As soon as Caught enters the room distortion covers the rest of the audio. Caught looks around the room. The room is barren and unfinished looking. The floor is bare wood and the operator symbol covers the whole floorspace.
[5:21-5:25] Caught steps out of the room and the distortion ceases.
Caught: Yeah…so.
[5:26-6:22] The camera cuts to Caught walking back into the room. It's now lit and no distortion plays. He walks around the room pouring water on the large chalk Operator symbol, muttering to himself.
Caught: That's fun. Messing around with me? Get a rise out of me or something? I went and gotta a nicer light bulb, put it right in there. Lit up this room real nice. Go around my apartment and make a mess. Make me cry? Like a wuss? Little girl who's had her pigtails ripped off, aw, screw that. Keep drawing these symbols around my house and see what happens to you. You just watch, what I do to you. Screw that.
[6:23-6:30] Caught walks across the room and grabs a towel.
[6:31-6:36] Caught begins to scrub away the chalk.
[6:37-6:51] He continues scrubbing angrily.
[6:52-7:19] He continues working, snarling as he washes the chalk away.
[7:20-7:23] Caught picks up the camera and points it at himself angrily.
Caught: Here's what I think of your stupid jokes. Enjoy it.
[7:24-7:27] He points the camera at the now washed away symbol.
Caught: Yeah, you're welcome.
[7:28-7:34] He brings the camera up again.
Caught: Like I said. Let me see you making one of these around here. Let me, let me catch you, please. You'll see what happens to you.
[7:35-7:42] He drops the camera to his side and leaves the room. Video ends.