[0:00-0:34] Caught is sitting, he holds the camera facing him.
Caught: So, I'm back, after a week of, in the hospital. Taking care of my head. Uhm…I had a pretty bad concussion, which went untreated for about a week, thanks to…the Help3r. He's a great help, that guy. Anyway…I, I looked at…that footage from the woods. You know, where I got this guy *thumps*, which I'll talk about that in a second.
[0:34-0:53] Cut, Caught runs his hands through his hair. The camera wobbles and the shot resumes. In the background singing or shouting can be heard.
Caught: This obviously isn't going to stop. It's not gonna just go away…so, let's talk about…let's talk about this then.
[0:54-1:02] Caught turns the camera, adjusts the light and focuses on the coffin lid.
[1:03-1:24] Caught examines the coffin.
Caught: So…It's obviously a coffin. It's about…three feet long..'bout, maybe a foot, some inches high…um…I tried to get it open a few-
[1:25-1:27] There is some brief audio distortion.
Caught: more times…but-
[1:28-1:36] Distortion ceases.
Caught: I've been really careful with it, because of what happened…before…and that was not qu-a very pleasant experience and I'd rather not repeat it.
[1:37-1:47] Caught zooms in on the bird symbol near the top of the coffin lid.
Caught: There are…there's this nice guy painted on it. That's lovely. Our old friend the operator symbol…
[1:48-2:33] He moves from hole to hole on the lid.
Caught: And…a bunch of holes…each with these like, little kid paintings on them…For my own sanity, I've been making it easier for myself. I just went ahead and numbered them all, being, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Uhm…
[2:33-2:45] Cut, Caught turns to the six jars, which are sitting on the floor.
Caught: Move onto this. I grabbed all the stuff, and trucked it all back here before…got to the hospital. Probably wasn't good for me but…whatever.
[2:45-4:20] Cut, Caught holds up the jars to the camera one by one.
Caught: We have…This jar, which is…about half full of some kind of nasty…crap looking stuff. We have…this one. Is, full of nice…water. This is also the jar that was…buried…*thump thump* with the coffin. We have, this guy. Which, I really don't understand. See, check that out, now watch this. I have no idea…what the hell this is. Uh…then there's a good old favorite. The jar of hair…And there's some water in there too. I wonder whose hair that could be. Oh. And there's something I didn't see there, which was also on the ground, was this bag. Which has a jar, that's been shattered in it. From what I can tell it looks like it's a jar like the other ones. Ok, so…
[4:21-4:53] Caught turns back to the coffin.
Caught: I can't…force the thing open or else…it's electrocutes me, as we've seen. And I'd rather not have that happen to me. The thing has all these holes, and the jars here are roughly the same size as the holes. I didn't mention this, there's also this…empty jar. So I figure, it obviously has something to do with putting the jars in the holes, ths…somehow get it open. But watch…this is fancy stuff. It's good times.
[4:54-5:00] Caught picks up a jar, and drops it in hole #4.
Caught: You put a jar in the hole…and just wait a second…
[5:01-5:05] There is an electric hum.
Caught: and it does that. It'll stop in a second.
[5:06-5:24] Caught tentatively picks up the jar. It's hot and he uses his sleeve. On the base of the jar are burn marks.
Caught: There it goes. Now. As you can see…It burns…the jars a little bit. Now, these things aren't super sturdy…
[5:25-5:53] Caught puts down the jar and turns back to the coffin.
Caught: so, I'm guessing…that can only happen so many times…before, they break. And if they break…I'm not gonna be able to get into this thing. And since Roivas is still gone…the Help3r…is really all I have to go off of. To figure out what's going on. Obviously these guys both know something I don't know…
[5:54-7:10] Caught picks up a folded paper on the ground and spreads it out. It's the map.
Caught: Oh…sorry, sh-shoot. I forgot. There's also this. This piece of paper here. That has that…big story on the back, which I'm not gonna bother reading again, I'll just write it down and put it in the description. But here, we can see, following a theme here, it looks like a map. A map drawn by a, some little kid. Uh, in here it says "Bird, birdies, birdies". And a big X, so I'm guessing that's where I was. And since I passed a no trespassing sign to get there I'm guessing that this is where I came from. So…this is obviously a map that led to finding, lead, led to finding where the coffin is. But it was buried with the coffin so…I don't really understand what that means. But…anyway…
[7:11-7:28] Cut, Caught turns the camera to his wall, which has three categories devoted to Help3r, Roivas and ?. Under which are YouTube usernames.
Caught: I have started…watching…the activity that's been going. And I made myself a little chart here. We have the Help3r over here, we have Roivas over here, even though Roivas has been gone for a while.
[7:29-7:48] Cut slightly, but it's essentially the same shot. Caught turns to the ? column and zooms in on a screen capture of the Alley incident and Slender man.
Caught: And then there's…I don't know file, because, I don't know. That's why I put this guy in there, because I don't know…what, the hell to make of him. but, the main point of this is that I've been watching you guys, and I'm gonna keep watching you guys.
[7:49-8:18] Caught turns to the Help3r column.
Caught: Ladnek, WesternWhiteWolf, and Xuchilvith, you guys helped me out..so I thank you. But you…obviously…cooperated with they guys that hit me over the head with a brick. This guy…with his doll fixation. So, I have to assume that in some way…you know something or…associated with him in some way I don't know.
[8:19-8:24] Caught zooms in on Xuchilvith.
Caught: Which is weird because I h, re-, had you over there but then I ad to put you over here…I don't know. Anyway…
[8:25-8:53] Caught turns to the RoivasSevil Column.
Caught: CheckeredValentine, I remember you. You were the one who originally…decoded the…the RoivasSevil code. And WootNinja…uh… figured out the first…stupid fairytale riddle eh, at the doll house. So I have to assume that you guys have something to do with RoivasSevil, but this-
[8:53-9:38] Cut to the ? Column.
Caught: Now. Mesay20yearsold, GrungePixie and ScionOfTheTree…you three…well, I've seen positive things, like, positive for me anyway, like, I've witnessed you, GrungePixie specifically talking negatively to the Help3r. Which I don't know if that helped me or not. Honestly, it probably didn't. But, you're obviously trying to help. You three are here because I don't know what…the hell you guys are trying to do. I have no idea what your motives are. Well I have no idea what anybody's motives are. And that's just…
[9:38-9:45] Caught begins to laugh emotionally, he drops the camera to his side.
[9:46:-] Caught turns the camera back to himself.
Caught: The main point here is…I realize that what ever is happening is happening. And that the only way…to stop it, or to even have a chance of stopping it is to find out what's going on. And the only way to find out what's going on is to just keep going deeper. Ain't that just pleasant?