The Coffin

Coffin Riddle:
"He who wanders through darkness and fire, resists the purity and freedom of water."
Once upon a time, there were six birds, who grew to an age to leave the nest, their hearts were in conflict, their fates predetermined, they found their homes in an order that was best.
One found itself with a broken wing, and forever stayed in what would become their grave.
A clean hearted Bird lived amongst the clouds. never to fall, never to come down.
Another was blinded, and lost within swirling shrouds, having trusted another, who let them down.
With a greedy need, to follow that who took to the air, one bird nearly completely tainted, lost control, falling into flame, despair.
Yet another found dread in the half-heartedness of life, found itself among the swamps of the night.
The last of the birds found themselves alone, hid deep in the city, never to find a true home.

Previous: A brand new day - Next: Natalie


The Coffin was uploaded by CaughtNotSleeping on August 30th, 2011. It is 10:15 minutes long.

Caught updates the viewers on his condition since the kidnapping, and the clues that he has acquired. He reveals his suspicions regarding various subscribers and fans, as well as giving the audience information on the coffin's riddle.

Additional Information

Slender Sightings

  • There is audio distortion at 1:25

Fan Interaction

Several fans get shout outs through Caught's wall of information.

  • CheckerValentine (name said incorrectly as "CheckeredValentine"), and W00tT3hNinj4 (Name said incorrectly as "WootNinja) are both under Caught's "RoivasSevil" Column, indicating that Caught believes they may have some connection to this proxy. Both are recognized for solving RoivasSevil's puzzles.
  • Mesay20yrs (Name said incorrectly as Mesay20yrsold), GrungePixie and ScionOfTheTree, are recognized for being vocal members of the community, but are undetermined in loyalties and relegated to the ? Column.
  • WesternWhiteWolf, Ladnek and Xuchilvith are thanked for solving the 1AmTheHelp3r puzzle, but are questioned for cooperating with him, they are classified under 1AmTheHelp3r's column. Xuchilvith in particular is suspected for being originally aligned with RoivasSevil, but now moving to 1AmTheHelp3r.

At this point Caught began to respond to YouTube User's comments and questions as well.


Confirmed Theories

Working Theories and Observations

Both images of the Slender man at 7:37 seem to have their faces scratched out, likely by Caught.

Further Speculation

Twenny dollaz says there's a doll in there. ~ Xuchilvith on Slendernation