[0:00-0:03] Black screen. Silence.
[0:03-0:09] White letters appear at the bottom of the screen. "I went back to the kitchen where I had found the markings in the sink."
[0:10-0:14] "This floor of my apartment houses the kitchens, an the laundry rooms. Naturally, it is rarely empty.
[0:15-0:19] "I could not find anyone."
[0:20] The words disappear, the screen is dark.
[0:21-] Video begins, Caught is walking into the kitchen, we're focused on his flashlight beam on the tiled floor.
Caught: Oh, well…Here we go. Back in the…
[0:24-0:25] the video repeats twice more, Caught's voice as well.
Caught: back in the-back in the-
[0:26-0:27] Resume.
Caught: kitchen.
[0:28-0:35] Caught looks up and candles on the counters become visible. They line the sink.
Caught: Oh! Eh, that, you know…that, that's great. Oh…
[0:36-0:37] Visual distortion begins, the scene becomes pixilated.
Caught: looks like, uh, Roivas left me more-
[0:37-0:41] Light ear-split distortion begins, then audio distortion affects Caught's voice a second later.
Caught: Candles. You're a, You're a…
[0:41-0:47] All distortion ceases. Caught pans across the candles.
Caught: You're a s-sweet guy. Oh, geez.
[0:48-0:56] Caught focus's in on the large kitchen knife sitting amongst the candles to the right.
Caught: And, eh, some…cutlery. We'll that's…
[0:56] There is a slight visual tear as the camera pans across the sink.
[0:57-1:04] Caught reaches the left hand side of the sink to reveal that it's filled with water and there is something clogging the drain. It's hair.
Caught: -Disturbing. Well that's…
[1:05-1:06] The screen goes dark for a moment.
[1:07-1:09] video returns. Caught is still looking down at the hair in the sink. The visuals flash between distortion and the audio is missing.
[1:10-1:28] Distortion ceases.
Caught: …a bunch of hair.
[1:28-1:31] Audio cuts out. Caught is rocking back and forth from the sink.
[1:32-1;36] Audio returns. Caught taps on the sink.
Caught: That's just…
[1:37-1:39] Audio vanishes. Caught steps away from the sink.
[1:40-1:42] Audio returns. Caught comes back to the sink and tentatively reaches down to grab the hair.
[1:43-1:45] Audio cuts out as Caught pull his hand away from the water and steps away from the sink.
[1:46-2:04] Audio resumes, Caught steps back towards the sink and reaches into the water again. He yanks on the hair but it won't give.
Caught: That's great. That's…That's stuck down there nice and..
[2:05-2:22] Caught sets the camera down on the counter, facing the sink, and resumes pulling on the hair but it won't move.
Caught: Alright. Son of a…!
[2:23-2:45] Caught picks up the camera again.
Caught: Well, um…so…Can't pull it out. It's gripped in there pretty good…ch…well…I wouldn't be doing you guys justice if I didn't try and turn on the sink…
[2:46] There is a brief visual tear.
[2:47] Caught turns on the sink.
Caught: So, I'll go ahead and turn on the sink…
[2:48-3:38] The water, now on, begins to flow up into the sink. The water gives an odd distortion sound.
Caught: What the…
[3:39-3:52] The sink empties.
Caught: Oo…ka, oh…oh, son of bitch.
[3:53-3:55] Visual distortion, the scene becomes grainy and the audio disappears.
[3:55-3:58] The screen goes black.
[3:58-4:02] Video resumes. Caught has backed away from the sink. There is a distinct distorted "popping" in the background
[4:03-4:11] Caught reaches in and begins to pull the hair, easily, out of the drain. Audio distortion continues.
Caught: Son of a…Eh, well…at lest the hair is coming out…
[4:12-4:17] The scene becomes distorted, audio because hard to make out, and a visual tear appears in the right uppermost corner.
Caught: …ugh.
[4:18-4:25] Visual distortion vanishes. Audio distortion returns to "popping". Caught continues pulling out hair.
Caught: Aw…smells like…
[4:26-4:27] Audio distortion worsens.
Caught: Drain and strawberry.
[4:28] Video cycles for a moment.
[4:29-4:39] Video resumes.
Caught: Ech…Oh…Oh…
[4:40-4:41] Audio cuts out.
[4:42] Audio returns.
[4:42] Brief visual tear.
[4:43-4:50] Caught looks over the hair.
Caught: Ugh…oh…Something else
[4:51] Brief audio cut out.
[4:52-5:16] Caught pulls out one last chunk of hair from the drain, and a package along with it.
Caught: ooh…kay…That's great. Let's see what this is about…ugh, get that freaking hair off.
[5:17-6:14] Caught sets down the camera and opens the package with the kitchen knife.
Caught: Blech…ugh…t'ha! Very a clever guy…You're just so clever with your little puzzles, and your little riddles, and your little magic sink tricks. I sure love going on these Slender man adventures, your a funny guy. Thank you so much! I love playing the game. I can't wait to play the next level of the game. I'd better hold on to this knife, just in case you ever show up…with your stupid little…h, look at this…
[6:14-6:28] Caught picks up the camera. The package, once the wrapping is removed, is decorated like a birthday present. He proceeds to open it.
Caught: Look at that there. How sweet. You know, Roivas, you're such a nice, beautiful person, thank you so much. Dick.
[6:29-6:38] Caught sets down the camera again and continues opening the present.
Caught: …stupid…tape…
[6:39-6:51] Caught adjusts the camera and again picks up the package and knife.
Caught: There's a bunch more tape here…
[6:52-7:05] Audio and visual distortion kick in. Video is grainy. Caught drops the knife.
[7:06-7:20] Distortion ceases. Caught opens the package and turns on his flashlight.
Caught: …the? The hell?
[7:21-7:31] Caught picks up the camera and reveals a picture of two children lying on a blanket.
[7:32-7:37] Caught flips over the picture, the image flickers and repeats several times. visual distortion is heavy. The back of the image reads "24121422 19121422".
[7:37-7:41] The screen goes dark.
[7:42-7:48] Video resumes, Caught flips the image over and examines the picture.
[7:49-7:52] There is a bang off-screen. Caught turns.
[7:53-7:55] Caught turns back around and there is immediate heavy audio and visual distortion. The hair has been formed into the body of a doll and holds a note. Caught jumps back.
[7:55] The screen goes dark.
[7:56-7:58] The visuals resume, the distortion is still present but subdued slightly. Caught approaches the doll.
[7:59-8:01] The screen goes black.
[8:02-8:04] The video of the sky spinning flickers on screen. There is audio distortion.
[8:05-8:06] A grainy, slowed, black and white video of the alley encounter plays. No audio.
[8:07-8:10] Screen goes black.
[8:11-8:21] Caught approaches the hair doll and then flees.