[0:00-0:10] The camera drifts over a door, and to the ground. Rattling and other human noises can be heard.
[0:11-0:17] Natalie raps on the door with the umbrella several times, clearly frustrated.
Natalie: Come on, I can hear you. Come on!!!
[0:18-0:20] The door opens, Caught peaks his head out.
Natalie: There you-
Caught: I told you this was done.
[0:21-0:31] Caught shuts the door. Natalie opens it and bursts into his apartment.
Natalie: No! Where have you been? I've been trying to call you for like a week! Caught, where have you been?
[0:32-0:40] butterfly videos can be seen playing on Caught's computer. Natalie approaches his computers.
Caught: I've been around.
Natalie: What are you doing?
Caught: Natalie!
[0:40-0:41] Natalie looks down at his desk, opening a notebook. Caught reaches over and snatches the notebook away.
Natalie: What?
Caught: Natalie.
[0:42-1:10] Natalie turns to Caught, who is clearly angry. He still has a bruise on his left eye.
Caught: This is over. You are done. this is, just, you need to go back, to your family…go back to your life before you went up to me on, on the street that time.
Natalie: What? Wha?
Caught: Natalie. Get outta my house.
Natalie: No!
Caught: Natalie.
Natalie: No!!! You dragged me into this, you know that? Ugh…Look, look at this, alright? Look at this. Your the one that always talked about wanting to get to the bottom of this. It's the handle to the umbrella.
Caught: Natalie…I'm am going to get to the bottom of this-
[1:11-1:37] Caught walks into the light, holding the broken umbrella handle.
Caught: You are finished
Natalie: No! We are getting to the bottom of this. I'm a part of this too now you know! You're not the only one that's getting chase around, and treated like trash…!
Caught: What is this.
Natalie: It's the handle to the umbrella.
Caught: It's got more code?
Natalie: Yes, it has more code on it.
Caught: What's it say?
Natalie: Willow's Peak, you know you'd think you'd be able to read this by now you know.
[1:38-1:44] The umbrella handle is blackened and code is etched into it.
Caught: Well, take your, uh, umbrella handle and, um, go have a party. Get outta my house.
[1:45-1:51] Caught hands her the broken umbrella and tries to shepherd her out of the apartment.
Natalie: Caught!
Caught: Take your busted umbrella…
Natalie: I don't…Willow's Peak is like a street down the-
Caught: I know where willow's peak is.
[1:52-1:55] Caught opens the door and starts to leave.
Natalie: You're not gonna go?!?
Caught: No.
Natalie: You're not gonna go??? Why aren't you gonna go? Caught!
[1:56-2:02] Natalie drops the camera and chases after Caught. The camera is angled towards the television and computer screens. On them we can see the YouTube videos that have been playing which have now ended.
[2:03-2:09] The lights flicker.
[2:09-2:14] And go out.
[2:14-2:21] All at once candles are lit around the room.
[2:21-2:26] All three screen go to static.
[2:26-2:27] There is a flicker of puppet Caught in the middle screen. It is suspended in front of a door.
[2:28-2:30] Screens are static.
[2:31-3:02] The middle screen turns to puppet Caught. There is a hum distortion over the footage which flickers and speeds up.
[3:03-3:15] Puppet Caught rips free of his ropes. Falling forward.
[3:16-3:19] Suddenly he vanishes.
[3:20-3:22] the screen begins to flicker slightly.
[3:23-3:30] The image from the screen appears fully on the camera. It's a pixilated image of what appears to be a knife stabbed into a door. Blood runs backwards towards the blade.
[3:31-3:39] There is a quick sound of distortion and the room is back to normal after a flicker of light.
[3:40-4:04] The door opens, Natalie picks up the camera and turns it towards Caught.
Natalie: So you're not gonna go.
Caught: No, I'm not gonna go. And you shouldn't go. Following these…freakin'…breadcrumbs from someone-
Natalie: Well you know what, Roivas has something to say! Maybe, maybe-
Caught: What exactly do they have to say?
Natalie: -they know something or-
Caught: What could they know?
Natalie: -about you or about how to get this whole thing over with, you need to give them a chance!
Caught: No I don't! I really don't! So take your umbrella pieces and get outta my house.
Natalie: Well, I'm going ok. I'm-I'm going.
[4:05-4:18] Natalie turns to see a broken chair sitting in front of the door. Underneath it smoke rises.
Natalie: What?
Caught: Well…
Natalie: Did you…?
[4:19-4:25] Natalie moves towards the door, pushing the chair away.
Natalie: I'm going. I'm done with all of this.
Caught: Natalie…just…
Natalie: I'm going.
[4:26-4:29] Natalie enters the hallway, and looks back to see Caught peeking out of his door.
Caught: Natalie.
Natalie: What?
Caught: Don't bother with this. Leave it alone. Stop. Just Stop. Let it go. Move on.
Natalie: I just…I'm going.
[4:30-4:44] Natalie starts to walk down the hallway, but turns back to look at Caught when he calls.
Caught: Natalie? Bring something stronger than a bat.
[4:45-4:53] Caught closes his door. Natalie walks away and begins to laugh. Video ends.