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Ustream 1 was held by CaughtNotSleeping on January 28th, 2012. It is 34:26 minutes long.
Natalie, with Caught still far from home, messaged users that she would be holding a Ustream live event on January 28th in order to answer viewer's questions about her involvement. Caught interrupted the chat and eventually shut it down.
[0:00-1:02] Natalie is sitting in what seems to be Caught's apartment. This will be the case for most of the video.
Natalie: -get started. If everyone could ask their questions in the…chat…area that would make it a lot easier…for me. I've never done one of these before so I'm kinda all over the joint. Cool. Um…yeah, so, fire away, I guess. Um…Also, if you would keep it…I would appreciate it if you kept it relatively serious. Um, I've…I've already done the "is it real" thing, I don't really wanna go through that again, we've been there, it didn't really work for me, so, uh, I'd appreciate it if we just kept it serious. Or remotely serious would be cool.
[1:03-2:07] Viewer Comment: Don't waste time guys
Natalie: Exactly. Please don't waste time. Right. "What sort of state is Caught in?" Caught's not back, actually. Um, he called me, obviously after he got out. Or after that last video went up. Um, it was a really brief conversation, he sounded really tired. And, a little…I dunno, just kinda out of it? It sounded like he was really far away, he said he was gonna try and make his way back as soon as possible but he's, he's not back yet. I'm just kinda waiting for him to come back, but it's been like, twenty-four hours and he's not back yet. I'm just really glad to know that he's out…of the house. I'm…I'm looking forward to seeing him.
[2:08-2:22] Viewer comment: Are you at Caught's apartment?
Natalie: Yeah I'm waiting at his place. Uh, yeah…
[2:23-3:05] Viewer Comment: So Caught could walk in on this livestream?
Natalie: Heh. I suppose…? I don't-I…have no concept of when he's getting back. He didn't say where he was. Um…He could walk in now or he could walk in, like, a week from now, so…I really…I wish he would call again. But I tried calling his phone a couple more times, it wasn't working, so…that's fantastic. Either that or he never answers it which is also true.
[3:06-4:30] Viewer comment: Why were you filming yourself before 925 Cranbrook Dr.?
Natalie: Yeah…I was waiting for someone to ask that…heh…uhm…It…It's sort of…It's a really long story, um…I, it…It makes me feel more comfortable, I guess. Um, I think said something in my last, the last video I did that I don't, I have this thing about being alone? I don't enjoy being alone. Um, I find camera's really comforting…sometimes, it's a little bit like you're not totally alone.
[4:31-8:22] Viewer comment: Are you aware that many Slender victims feel drawn to cameras?
Natalie: Heh…yes. Um, it doesn't have anything to do with that, um. I know why I feel more comfortable with the camera on. It doesn't have anything to do with that. When I was eight…um, heh…yeah third grade, so I was eight, um…my, um…it was like twelve thirty at night and everybody was home and, um…this guy, totally strung out on crack, or something, um…um, broke into our house, and, um…anyway, my brother went out to go, um, see what was happening and, um…I just…I don't like being alone and I don't…we had a camera and I always felt like, you know…if I had the camera then…maybe, I dunno. I used to film all the time, but…yeah, thanks…it's been a long time since I used the camera like that, but after that first time I hung out with Caught…things just got a little weird and I just felt like turning it one again. So, yeah, that's why the camera.
"Weird how?", uh…well, it's not everyday someone invites you into their apartment and shows you a coffin. I mean, granted, I know more or less what I was getting into but not…really. Yeah, it's a little bit weird. Just a little bit. Yeah, I did think it was fake. I don't know when you get…there's just this feeling…I can't, I can't really describe it, it's…it just, it…I didn't feel comfortable. Something made me really uncomfortable.
[8:23-9:55] Viewer Comment: Do you live alone?
Natalie: Yeah, yes. I do live alone. Yeah. Even then, if I didn't live alone, um. I wouldn't feel comfortable bringing someone into this, at all. The camera is, at least is…uh. Yeah living alone can be a little nerve-wracking, especially now. Um, You know, at least I can't hurt the camera. Right? You know, I can't do anything to that. I just, I don't, I don't wanna bring people into it. You know? I don't. It's bad enough that I'm…"in it".
[9:56-10:05] Viewer Comment: You probably don't want us in it. But we are
Natalie: Yeah…but I can't…nothing I can do about that.
[10:06-11:09] Viewer Comment: May I compliment your baseball bat?
Natalie: My baseball hat? Oh this? Thank you. Oh my baseball bat! Yes. Well, uh, I'm sure all of you knew I was extremely uncomfortable going into the woods as it was. I was very much not happy to be there. Um, and there was no way, Ha! There was not was I was not going in there with something. Yeah, Franklin Lord of the Dance, I don't know where that came from. It's a defense mechanism. I'm…I, I was…I was not, I don't have a machete, I should get a machete…
[11:10-12:10] Viewer Comment: You said you were alone, but you're not. We're here for you.
Natalie: Yeah, well…I just, I wanna let you guys know…I appreciate you so much. As much as I wish you guys would get out, um…I don't know what I would do if you did, so, um…yeah. Thank you. There are things that I don't, either Caught nor I could do, if we didn't have people watchin' our back and it's just really nice to know that we have friends. Yeah…
[12:11-13:38] Viewer Comment: Have you had any contact with RoivasSevil or 1AmTheHelp3r?
Natalie: Any contact with Roivas or Help3r? Um, not really…about as much as, I mean, uh…The hooded guy was Help3r? Uh, yes. I agree with you I think he was. I haven't had any contact with Roivas or Help3r beyond pretty much what you've seen. Um, I got that note from Roivas in the dead end, which I think was addressed to you, guys. Um. Um. Help3r…I, I don't…I don't know how much contact I've had with Help3r actually. The only time that I know I've…I think was in those woods, with that music. But, there is a possibility I might have seen him lurking around. Um. There's been a couple nights that I've seen something or heard something that I'm pretty sure wasn't…uhm…you know, that thing. Um. It was human.
[13:39-16:29] Viewer Comment: I think they're both on your side in their own special ways.
Natalie: "Both on their side in special ways." I, I guess they're both trying to help us in their own way but…again, I'm sure you've noticed I don't…I have to disagree with you Interrogationis, Um…I don't trust Help3r. I really don't. Xu, Um, Roivas hasn't done anything, they haven't…um, They haven't done anything, physically. Help3r has, has…caught, Caught. As odd as that sounds. I mean, he's taken Caught, a few times now, and…Yes, the brick and now the house. I don't know if it was for his own good, but all I know…um, When you are around him? I mean, when your around that, s-s-slender man, that thing? I mean, you feel it. I can, you don't, I don't hear anything. I haven't even seen it yet, really, um, not looking forward to that, if I do. All I know is you feel it. It's like…It's like vertigo, it's like standing on top of a really tall building and being afraid of heights and looking over the edge and feeling like you're falling. It's a deeply bad feeling and what I know? Is that, despite what I saw at, um, Cranbrook drive? I have never gotten that feeling around Roivas, but I have always gotten that feeling around Help3r. And you'll note that that thing? It shows up when Help3r does. I don't think it's ever shown up around Roivas, but it shows up on every Help3r task and I don't think that that's a good sign. I don't trust Help3r.
[16:30-17:08] Viewer Comment: Do you think RoivasSevil and 1AmTheHelp3r would ever quit their bitching and get along?
Natalie: I don't know if they would ever stop their bitching and work together because…I don't even know what they want. I don't know what their goals. I don't have any idea why their mad at each other or if they're even really mad at each other. Who they are…so, I can't really answer many questions about them besides what I know, I mean, what I feel about them. I've never met either of them, really.
[17:09-18:05] Viewer Comment: What do you know about the music in the woods? And do you get the weird feeling from it?
Natalie: Oh God, please…The music from the woods? Yeah, that was…scary, to put it really mildly. I don't know know where that was even coming from. "The weird feeling with the music"? Yes. I got the weird feeling with the music. Very much so. It was, I can't even describe how it feels, it's like…bad, it's bad. Yeah. Yeah, it-it, I thought it was Help3r.
[18:06-18:35] Viewer Comment: Do you know what the piece is?
Natalie: The piece is? What piece? The musical piece, no. I don't know what the song is. If you guys do, um, tell me. Please.
[18:36-19:33] Viewer Comment: What do you know about that flashback of Caught's?
Natalie: The flashback? I don't know. Um, I don't know what that was. I-I don't know. I mean, Caught's an odd guy, he's not what he's like on camera? I mean he's, he's sort of a rough guy, but he's not like a, bad person? He's… Uh, yeah, "A Douche". He's-He's not like that all the time. He does things, small things that, you know, make him seem almost decent. But he's not like that. He doesn't…I don't know what that was. Yeah. I-I intend to talk to him about it though, because I've never seen him behave like that.
[19:34-21:03] Viewer Comment: Has he shared anything with you that he hasn't with us? We're wondering about his family.
Natalie: Has he shared anything with you that he hasn't with us?" Um, I mean, I'm sure he has, but nothing…he doesn't give a lot of answers. You know? He's not really…"Wondering about his family"? I don't know. I don't know if everyone heard this but, when he was missing I went looking for information about him to see if anyone knew where he'd gone and none of his neighbors knew who he was. Um. He had signed a weird name under his rent lease, which I'm pretty positive isn't his. Um, "Adem Denhin", which is, I think'" Hidden Name" scrambled. The landlord had never seen him except for the one time when he asked him to open up that basement room. I don't think, I don't know, I… Yeah, um, I don't…I mean, he doesn't share things like that. He doesn't talk about that sort of thing. I mean, when we talk it tends to be about, you know, what's happening now. I don't know if he has family. Nothing. Yeah. I don't know…I don't know.
[21:04-21:16] Viewer Comment: Have you tried asking about him at the college?
Natalie: "At the college…" I don't even know his name! I mean, what this is, I-he won't…He won't tell me his name. I don't even know how to go looking about him.
[21:17-22:06] Viewer Comment: The first Roivas video has me thinking about Caught's childhood. With the he-man clip? Do you think he parents might have actually named him Caught?
Natalie: "The earliest Roivas makes me think about Caught's Childhood…" Oh?, "The he-man clip?" Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what kind of child would name their son Caught. I don't know anything about his past and that's a little actually, that's a little weird. I certainly intend to talk to him about, kind of, um…what's been happening. The problem is, of course, with Caught, if he doesn't want to answer something he doesn't. He just doesn't respond.
[22:07-22:33] Viewer Comment: Do you know anything about that picture that Roivas left of Caught? And Do your parents know what is going on?
Natalie: "The picture that Roivas left"? No. "My parents"? Um, No. I'd rather they didn't. I'm not really close to my parents, or, um, anyone in my family at this point. For various reasons.
[22:34-23:12] Viewer Comment: What do you know about the door and Lansing Place?
Natalie: I don't know about the door. Or the house. I didn't recognize anything except for the pig and Help3r…and the thing. Um, so, I don't, I mean, I have to wait for Caught to come back and ask him about it because, I don't…I don't really know. I suppose it's possible Help3r lives there…?
[23:13-24:11] Viewer Comment: When did you start noticing this tall man?
Natalie: When did I start noticing this tall man? Um, I haven't…um, I haven't actually seen it yet. Really. There have been like…hints of something. There have been moments where I wake up and it just kind of, feels…wrong. But, um, I haven't actually fully seen him. But I've f-felt him. And I've seen other stuff that I'm uncomfortable with. At this point, I mean…uh, I guess at this point it's only really a matter of time. Yes, I have the door locked, that's not an issue.
[24:12-25:43] Viewer Comment: Having you been losing any time, having headaches or nosebleeds? Are children going missing?
Natalie: Losing any time? Um, not really. Uh, and as far as I know I haven't been sleep walking. I haven't experienced anything like what Caught has had happen. Um, for sure. Any children in the area? Not to my knowledge? No children have gone missing. But I live in a city, so, I'm in the middle of Seattle. It's fully likely that they…are or are for other reasons. I have had really bad headaches for sure. I haven't noticed a really bad cough yet, although…I don't, I don't know. That's just not even funny.
[25:44-26:44] Viewer Comment: Did you recognize anything from the radio report?
Natalie: Anything from the radio report? Yeah, um. Nothing specific. I haven't really, I, again, I mean I live in a city so I mean, things happen here every day. But, uh, I dunno. I don't recognize the name of the…uh, what was it? I don't know, I don't…I don't know, I don't know anything about it. Again, Caught said he was pretty far away so it's likely that the radio that I heard wasn't being broadcast here.
[26:45-31:20] Viewer Comment: Having any nosebleeds? Did you get the weird feeling in Cranbrook Drive?
Natalie: Heard other people say nosebleeds…? No, no nosebleeds. I have had really bad headaches and I have had just a general sense of unease for…a while. Oh I don't think I, I, uh…I guess I started feeling it, a little bit before Caught showed up at my house, the second time. The first time, Caught showed up at my house? Right before Cranbrook Drive. I mean, mostly it's just this overwhelming sense of…fear? I don't know, discomfort. Everything after that is sort of secondary. Yeah, creeped out. "Get the weird feeling in 925 Cranbrook Drive"…Um. Not like I did in the dead end, actually. I mean, that was, terrifying. Help3r and the Slender Man, thing. I get that feeling around both of them. Um, and I did get it, I mean I got it a bit in Cranbrook Drive, but I don't know how much of that was hte actual thing and how much of that was, we were in one place and then were in another place and there were those videos playing…I don't…I don't know. More than anything I was just trying to figure out what the…hell was going on. I don't know why the video talked to me. I don't know why the video would talk to me. I don't know what it meant. I don't know where those videos even came from. I…"secret camera watching me"? I hope not…Although, I mean. I don't know, I don't know where that came from. For sure. I don't think Caught knows either, to be honest. When it comes down to it, we're both relatively in the dark. Yeah, Caught didn't know me the first time he was kidnapped. The first time, eh. No, I, I had recently started watching his series right about then. I think I started watching it when he was still missing. But. I mean, at the time I thought it was all just…nonsense. I didn't actually meet him until afterwards, after he got home…
[31:21-33:06] There is a sound to the right of the camera. Natalie sits up, slightly off camera.
Natalie: Caught?
Caught: Hey. Hey. You…What are you doing here?
Natalie: Um…heh, waiting for you, having a livestream.
Caught: Having a what?
Natalie: Talking to people…
Caught: Who are you talking to?
Natalie: Talking to the viewers and the butterflies and so on…
Caught: Talking to butterflies?
Natalie: Yes? Where did you…Are you all right?
Caught: I'm good. What are butterflies?
Natalie: Roivas's followers, I guess. Um…They say it's…
Caught: What so they're like, they're like, like, like Slender man Power Rangers or something? Butterflies?
Natalie: You know what, you could show a little respect. These are the people that probably got you out of that house. You could at least treat them like they're helping you…occasionally.
Caught: Well, this is over, so. Take off.
[33:07-33:23] Natalie steps fully out of frame and the door opens.
Natalie: Are you alright?
Caught: I'm good. I'll talk to you later.
Natalie: Alright, We need…
Caught: Take your bag with you.
Natalie: We need to talk, Ok?
Caught: I said I'd talk to you later.
[33:24-33:43] The door shuts. Natalie is presumably gone. There is a loud crashing sound and Caught can be heard moving around the apartment.
[33:44-34:24] The light turns off and Caught climbs in frame. He takes off his shoes.
[33:25-33:26] Caught looks over, notices the live-stream and shuts the computer. The video ends.
Additional Information
Several important facts can be gleaned from this conversation.
- Natalie films herself due to a past trauma, unrelated to Slender Man, in which her brother was (presumably) killed or injured during a home invasion.
- Natalie has not yet seen the Slender Man and exhibits few symptoms of his presence beyond a 'deeply bad feeling' and headaches. However, she claims to have seen "things" including, possibly, 1AmTheHelp3r.
- Natalie also knows very little about Caught, about as much as the viewers know.
- Natalie is uninteresting in bringing people into the haunting, and refuses to tell others about what is happening.
- Natalie does not trust 1AmTheHelp3r due to his past actions and a sense of foreboding around him that mirrors her reaction to Slender Man.
- Caught is back from 1472 Lansing Place.
Confirmed Theories
Working Theories and Observations
Natalie has a brief chronology error when she states that she has only been watching CaughtNotSleeping since the events of Rule #3. Natalie was present in Learn to Play.
There may or may not be a brief moment of distortion in the first third of the Ustream video. (unsure of time-stamp)