Weaver's Eye Visit - November 27, 2013

On November 27, 2012 a mysterious guest entered, revealing itself to be The Weaver's Eye, a machine used to track and guide the Weaver and those involved with it. Weaver's leaves audio recordings of butterfly Laparus, seeming to have a conversation regarding the Mars Brothers.

The many chat names purposely have missing letters. The Weaver's Eye is a tool used by the Weaver Company to track and guide the Weaver and those involved with it. This eye has been built by Weaver. The transcript has been edited and usernames have been changed to Butterfly names for the sake of clarity. Personal information has been redacted.

November 29, 2012

_we_ enters the chat
_we_ leaves the chat
Denitza: What
Croesus: Oh dear.
"w_ave_ entered the room"
"w_ave_ changed nickname to _e_y"
Apollo: Hey there friend person.
"_e_y" changes name to "we_ve_see_"
Denitza: …weaversees?
Mari: weaverseer?
"we_ve_see_" changes name to "w_ave_"
"w_ave_" leaves the chat
"Weavers_Eye" enters the chat
The following is audio taken from Weavers_Eye's audio, played in the chat
Laparus: -look, I know what they did! I didn't want to do that! I saw, I saw, I know…I'm not…going…to kill…anyone. Going…to do it. We don't have the right. We don't have the right. Not before then. I can't just do that. No, no no, no.
Weavers_Eye leaves the chat
"Weavers_Eye" enters the chat
The following is audio taken from Weavers_Eye's audio, played in the chat
Laparus: Okay, so we use this, we use this. We take, we keep them separate, take them one at a time, that could really work. DO you have a single thought in our head that isn't totally (indecipherable). WE CAN'T TORTURE SOMEONE. NO. How do you even consider…No. I will kill. I will kill if I have to. No torturing. Bait. You want to use yourself as bait? recalling how those…stupid strong, government trained, fucking cannibal. What is wrong with you? Seriously, what is the matter with you? I don't understand the way you think. At all.
Weavers_Eye leaves the chat

Special thanks to those who compiled this chat log